Tools Library

Tools mentioned in the Designing Inspiring Workshops and Courses in Transdisciplinarity: A Guide are listed in the table below. Each tool includes various descriptors to help you find activities that are appropriate for your audience, goals, and timing. Descriptors include: Tool name, TD concept, TD practice, Group process, Leadership dimension, Proficiency and level, and Source.

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Tool nameTD concept TD practiceGroup process Leadership dimensionProficiency and levelSource
Exploring Cases (handout)Definition and attributesReflection and reflexivity; Boundary workBuild connections; Encourage participation; Active listeningEngage; InquireFoundational - Know
Intermediate - Know
Advanced - Know
TD Training Collaboratory
Exploring Cases ActivityDefinition and attributesReflection and reflexivity; Boundary workBuild connections; Encourage participation; Active listeningEngage; InquireFoundational - Know
Intermediate - Know
Advanced - Know
TD Training Collaboratory
Four Corners Co-design Balancing power and managing power dynamics; PluralismView issues; Encourage participation; InquireFoundational - Know, Do, Be
Intermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
adapted by TD Training Collaboratory
Gradients of AgreementCo-design Navigating through normative differencesClarify decision-making processStrategizeFoundational - Do
Intermediate - Do, Be
I2I Insights blog
Hits and HighlightsCo-design; Co-productionNavigating through normative differencesNarrowing options; Finding common groundStrategizeFoundational - Know, Do
Intermediate - Know, Do
Inclusive Innovation
JigsawDefinition and attributesPluralismLearning a new conceptInquireFoundational - Know, Be
Intermediate - Know, Be
Advanced - Know, Be
adapted by TD Training Collaboratory
Network MappingCo-design; Co-implementationUnderstanding contextBuild connections; InquireIntermediate - Know
Advanced - Know, Do
adapted by TD Training Collaboratory
Network MappingCo-design; Co-implementationUnderstanding contextBuild connections; Encourage participationInquireIntermediate - Know
Advanced - Know, Do
Rich Picture (video)Co-designUnderstanding context; Reflection and reflexivity; Balancing power and managing power dynamicsView issuesReflect; Engage; InquireFoundational - Know
Intermediate - Know
Advanced - Know
Open Learn/Open University
Rich Picture (Tool description)Co-designUnderstanding context; Reflection and reflexivity; Balancing power and managing power dynamicsView issuesReflect; Engage; InquireFoundational - Know, Do, Be
Intermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Speed Networking Co-design (and preparatory phase)Reflection and reflexivityBuild connections; Encourage participationConnectFoundational - Be
Intermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Do, Be
Inclusive Innovation
Theory of change Co-designTheory of change; PluralismBuild connections; Encourage participation; ReflectIntermediate - Know, Do
Advanced - Know, Do
Susanne Moser Research and Consulting
Theory of Change ToolkitCo-designTheory of change; PluralismBuild connections; Encourage participation; ReflectIntermediate - Know, Do
Advanced - Know, Do
Sustainability Research Effectiveness, Royal Roads University
Vision of a TD Researcher Co-designReflection and reflexivityIdea GenerationReflectFoundational - Know, Be
Intermediate - Know, Be
Advanced - Know, Be
TD Training Collaboratory
1-2-4-AllCo-design; Co-productionEmbracing differencesBuild connections; Encourage participationConnect

Foundational - Know, Be

Intermediate - Know, Be

Advanced - Know, Be

Liberating Structures
3 Way Listening - Listening without fixingCo-design; Co-productionEmbracing differencesBuild connections; Active listeningInquireFoundational - Be
Intermediate - Know, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Inclusive Innovation
Agile PlanningCo-implementationSetting goals and managing expectationsAction planningImplementIntermediate - Do
Advanced - Do
Inclusive Innovation
Brainstorming and Angel's AdvocateCo-design (and preparatory phase); Co-implementationEmbracing differences; IntegrationIdea GenerationEngageIntermediate - Do
Advanced - Do
Inclusive Innovation
Collective LeadershipDefinition and attributesReflection and reflexivityEncourage participationAllFoundational - Know
Intermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Inclusive Innovation/Earth Leadership Program
Developing a work agreement Co-designRole(s) of researchers; Engaging with societal partnersEstablishing ground rules; Building safetyConnectAdvanced - DoNational Estuarine Research Reserve template
Four "I"sCo-design (and preparatory phase)IntegrationNarrowing options; Finding common groundStrategizeIntermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do
Inclusive Innovation
How Might We...?Co-design (and preparatory phase); Co-implementationEmbracing differences; IntegrationIdea GenerationEngageIntermediate - Do
Advanced - Do
Inclusive Innovation
Idea TreeCo-design (and preparatory phase); Co-implementationEmbracing differences; IntegrationIdea GenerationEngageIntermediate - Do
Advanced - Do
University of Irvine, Irvine, CA
Interviewing for InformationCo-design (and preparatory phase before co-design)Understanding context; Asking questionsInquireIntermediate - Do
Advanced - Do
Earth Leadership Program/Resources
Most Significant ChangeCo-implementationGenerating impact; EvaluationFacilitating integrationImplementIntermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Do, Be
Gabriele Wuelser, td-Net Toolbox
Outcome Spaces FrameworkCo-designSetting goals collectivelyIdea GenerationEngageIntermediate - Know
Advanced - Know, Do
Swiss Academy’s td-Net Toolbox
Plus, Potential, Challenges, Overcomes (PPCO)Co-design; Co-productionReflection and reflexivityGiving feedbackReflectFoundational - Do, Be
Intermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Inclusive Innovation
Problem TreeCo-design; Co-implementationTheory of change: Understanding contextIdea Generation; Action planningEngageIntermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Do, Be
Wagengingen University Multi-stakeholder guide
Reflective listening Co-design Reflection and reflexivityBuild connections; Encourage participationReflectFoundational - Do, Be
Intermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Do, Be
Earth Leadership Program/Resources
Researcher roles reflectionCo-design RolesBuild connections; Encourage participationReflectFoundational - Be
Intermediate - Be
Advanced - Be
Partnering for change from University of Basel
Scenario PlanningCo-implementationTheory of change; Generating impact; EvaluationAction planning; Facilitating integrationStrategizeFoundational - Do, Be
Intermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Monitor Institute
TabooDefinition and attributesIntegrationView issuesEngage; InquireFoundational - Know
Intermediate - Know
Advanced - Know
Inclusive Innovation
Think-Pair-ShareCo-design; Co-implementationReflection and reflexivityBuild connections; Encourage participationConnectFoundational - Do, Be
Intermediate - Do, Be
Advanced - Do, Be
Facilitating Intentional group learning – FSG (p.13)
What? So What? Now What?Co-implementationReflection and reflexivity; Balancing power and managing power dynamicsBuild connections; Active listeningReflectFoundational - Do
Intermediate - Know, Do, Be
Advanced - Know, Do, Be
Inclusive Innovation
Developing a project timelineFramework and phasesCommunicationAction planningAll

Intermediate - Do

Advanced - Do

TD Training Collaboratory

Terms of Use: The Designing Inspiring Workshops and Courses in Transdisciplinarity: A Guide document and related materials available online are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-ShareAlike International Version 4.0 (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).

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