With the Network for Transdisciplinary Research | td-net, the Swiss academies play a key-role in advancing transdisciplinary research and education across thematic fields. Being a Swiss platform, td-net has established links to networks and initiatives around the world that span the areas of research, methods and tools, capacity building as well as funding. The Academy of Sciences Switzerland (SCNAT), who runs working groups on socially relevant topics and engage in transdisciplinary science-policy dialogues, chairs td-net in the name of the Swiss academies of arts and sciences.
td-net’s Approach to Becoming a Donor Founding Member

td-net prepared the ground for the ITD Alliance when it began to host international ITD conferences with partners outside of Switzerland. By 2017 at the ITD conference in Lüneburg (Germany), the international ITD community had reached a point where it started building an international alliance focusing on collaborative modes of research. td-net hosted the secretariat of the ITD Alliance throughout the forming and formalization process and keeps on promoting and supporting the Alliance and its work. td-net is engaged in several working groups and in the Leadership Board of the Alliance.
td-net’s Motivation to Collaborate with ITD Alliance
td-net seeks to provide Swiss researchers with international networking opportunities and to address global aspects that go beyond the Swiss context. By bringing together a community of peers who support one another and jointly define the state-of-the-art and the culture of collaborative science, quality can be improved. With this, td-net supports as well the goals of the ITD Alliance.