
We are very happy to inform you that the programme for the ITD24 conference is now online in ConfTool. To view the programme, click on ‘Browse Conference Agenda’ in the Conftool overview. Clicking on the session titles will give you access to the session details and abstracts.

If you are not yet sure if you want to sign up, it is also possible to view the programme through this link.

Programme book

We have also created a programme book for the conference and in it you can find all the information needed for the conference. In addition, we have also described some things to do in Utrecht!

ITD Conference Mission

This conference aims to empower and equip individuals and groups, including researchers, educators, trainers, facilitators, and coaches to effectively address today’s polycrises. In the context of inter- and transdisciplinary boundary-crossing, peer-to-peer training and education is key, not only within higher education establishments and research institutions, but also across societal and industrial partners. Once empowered and equipped, we believe researchers, practitioners, and organizations will be better able to build and sustain futureproof inter- and transdisciplinary research collaborations. In light of this mission statement, and based on this Call for Contributions, we have formulated three ‘streams’ that help structure the conference and maximize opportunities for all: the fundamental level of theories, concepts, and processes; the practical level of building capacity; and the specific angle of education that forms the core of all capacity-building endeavors.