Members of The ITD Alliance
The ITD Alliance is a membership-based organisation composed of a dynamically growing community of experts and institutions engaged in collaborative modes of research and education.
All institutional and individual members contribute to strengthening the Alliance in order to advance collaborative modes of research and education globally.

From an idea to a global institution – these institutions and individuals initiated and institutionalised the ITD Alliance
○ Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) Julie Thompson Klein, Machiel Keestra, Rick Szostak
○ Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) Gabriele Bammer
○ Michigan State University, Center for Interdisciplinarity (C4I) Michael O’Rourke
○ Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) Tobias Buser, Theres Paulsen, Jakob Zinsstag
○ International Network for the Science of Team Science Kara Hall, Steve Fiore
○ USYS TdLab Christian Pohl
○ Responsive Research Collective Ulli Vilsmaier
Donor Members
With their generous financial and in-kind support, these leading inter- and transdisciplinary institutions and individuals enable the ITD Alliance to grow and to start important initiatives.
Please consider making a contribution to help the ITD Alliance strengthen and promote collaborative modes of research globally. Any amount is gratefully appreciated. Click the “Donate” button below to contribute by PayPal or credit card. Thank you.
Institutional Donor Members
○ Center for Interdisciplinarity (C4I), Michigan State University Link
○ ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research Link
○ MED – Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development Link
○ Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net), Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (SCNAT) Link
○ NITRO-Oceania – Network of Leaders of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Organisations in the Oceania Region Link
○ Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) Link
Individual Donor Members
○ Gabriele Bammer, The Australian National University, Australia
○ Anne B. Zimmerman, Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern, Switzerland
Institutional Members
As institutional members of the ITD Alliance these institutions are innovators in the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity. More detailed information about the institutions is available if you click on their entry. The search function will scan all available fields.
Institution | Link | Country | Short Description | Motivation to become a member of ITD-Alliance | Main expectations of what should be achieved with/through the Alliance | Member Status |
Centre for Sustainable Urban Futures | | Sweden | Centre for sustainable Urban Futures (Urban Futures) is a transdisciplinary arena and platform promoting collaboration, co-production and knowledge integration to realise fair, green, and accessible cities. The centre is a direct, local continuation of the work of Mistra Urban Futures (2010-2019) – an international research and knowledge centre aimed at realising just cities. It is built on a formative partnership between 4 academic and 4 public institutions, together representing the main political, administrative, regulatory, educational and research institutions in West Sweden. | By engaging in the ITD Alliance, the partners of Urban Futures expect to find opportunities for peer-to-peer learning with similar arenas and collaborative partnerships, as well as connect to and help expand the field of transdisciplinary and co-production research and processes in response to complex and wicked issues. | Founding Member | |
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) | | Sweden | Donor Founding Member | |||
Future Earth | | Global | Founding Member | |||
FINTERDIS - The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society | | Finland | FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society ( is a registered, autonomous organization founded on October 4, 2018 and dedicated to support inter- and transdisciplinary research, teaching, education, and training. FINTERDIS aims to support especially early-career researchers and students in their efforts to integrate ideas and approaches across fields and sectors of society, while collaborating with more advanced experts with inter- and transdisciplinary interests. The main goal of FINTERDIS is that inter- and transdisciplinarians with different backgrounds would have better and more equal opportunities for independent creative thought and a chance to cross boundaries even on a radical basis. FINTERDIS also introduces different practices related to inter- and transdisciplinarity from different countries to the Finnish context and vice versa and promotes the internationalization of Finnish scholars. FINTERDIS’s sphere of operations currently encompasses the whole country of Finland and beyond. FINTERDIS’s international collaborators include the U.S.-based Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) and the Latin American network NODO ESIT - Estudios Sobre Interdisciplina y Transdisciplina. FINTERDIS is also currently planning and negotiating new collaborations with prestigious institutions such as the Global Young Academy. | FINTERDIS has already collaborated with the ITD Alliance’s Early-Career Working Group, as we have identified many joint interests and aims. FINTERDIS is motivated to continue and expand this fruitful collaboration, while wanting to formally become a member of this global community of inter- and transdisciplinarians and engage actively with and learn from its other members and working groups as well. At FINTERDIS, we believe that international collaboration and exchange of ideas can help all of us to improve circumstances and opportunities for inter- and transdisciplinarity in our specific regions and contexts. Hence, FINTERDIS wishes to build a bridge between early-career and more established inter- and transdisciplinary scholars in Finland and the rest of the world, facilitating meaningful dialogue and mutual learning and this way, enriching our collective experience and knowledge as inter- and transdisciplinarians. A concrete step toward this goal is our Global Mentorship Initiative, which we have been developing since early 2021 in collaboration with the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies and other organizations (see preliminary description of the initiative at We would very much like to develop this initiative, among others, within and in collaboration with the members of the ITD-Alliance. | Despite solemn speeches about the importance of inter- and transdisciplinarity, many constraints remain. Early-career interdisciplinarians are specifically vulnerable and affected by such constraints, as has been observed by e.g., Pfirman and Martin as well as Dooling et al. in the Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity (2017). Same authors observe that only few publications address graduate student and early- career experiences in interdisciplinary research. Even much less is known about the struggles of ID-TD students and early-career researchers in regions of the Global South such as Latin America (e.g., Miranda-Nieto et al. 2021; Vienni et al. 2019). Through the ITD Alliance, FINTERDIS especially wishes to communicate, increase awareness, and find and build pathways to overcome such difficulties from a bottom- up perspective; including but not limited to through the Global Mentorship Initiative and other projects. In Finland, FINTERDIS is a unique, pioneering organization in its dedication to building interdisciplinary communities in general and support of ID-TD early-careers in particular, as no other similar organizations have existed in our country previously. To the best of our knowledge, no other Finnish organization is still involved at the ITD Alliance. Moreover, FINTERDIS already has close alliances with organizations based in Latin America and the U.S. Through our involvement, we would thus enrich the regional, linguistic, intercultural and intergenerational scope of the ITD Alliance. | Founding Affiliated Network Member |
Espacio Interdisciplinario, Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Uruguay (Interdisciplinary Space, University of the Republic) | | Uruguay | The Interdisciplinary Space is a transversal structure to the entire academic organization of the University of the Republic that promotes interdisciplinary research, teaching, and outreach. The Space is responsible for managing competitive funds for interdisciplinary collaborative projects in research, teaching, and outreach. In addition, there are core academic programs of interdisciplinary higher education, training in tools for interdisciplinary teamwork, and instances of discussion of strategies and results of interdisciplinary projects. | Becoming an institutional member would allow the members of the Interdisciplinary Space and the university at large to collaborate with the community of experts and leading institutions in inter-and transdisciplinarity at a global scale. Also, it would aid our efforts in building a Latin American community of academics interested in inter-and transdisciplinary processes. In 2016, the Interdisciplinary Space started the Latin American Meeting on Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education (IEI2016), which took place in Montevideo. The second IEI was in Lima-Perú (2018) and the third in México (2021). During the IEI2016, participants agreed to explore the formation of a network of Latin American universities interested in promoting inter-and transdisciplinarity. During the second meeting in 2018, progress was made in the commitment of representatives of 11 academic institutions to support the organization of subsequent IEIs and the conformation of a network called Latin American and Caribbean Encounter for Interdisciplinary Research and Higher Education (Enlace-IEI). In 2020, Enlace-IEI began to session to establish a way of operating, support the IEI2021, and hold the first cycle of virtual seminars dedicated to exploring aspects of the pandemic in Latin America. Although the IEI Meeting and Enlace-IEI are in their infancy, they will continue to grow due to learning and exchanging inter and transdisciplinary experiences. We trust we can serve in connecting the ITD Alliance, the IEI, and Enlace-IEI. | To learn from other experiences, conferences and networks; To connect people with similar interests; To expand the possibilities of collaboration for researchers and teacher; To contribute to the development of international 'schools' in methodological approaches fo rinter and transdisciplinarity | Founding Member |
Utrecht University | | Netherlands | One of UU’s central principles is Collaboration across borders. We are an international university with multidisciplinary education and research. This is a quote from Utrecht University’s strategic plan 2025: “The guiding principle is to train students to be critical global citizens with an eye for the importance of open society. We offer them opportunities to gain experience in different disciplines and to complete a large portion of the specialization phase outside their own program.” | As UU-wide dean of Interdisciplinary Education Prof. Iris van der Tuin has been tasked with the development of a research-informed vision on, and a governance structure for developing and executing multi-department and multi-faculty educational modules or programs. ITD-Alliance is an important conversation partner in that to create training curriculum, guidelines, and frameworks to disseminate widely. | Conversations around definitions of and perspectives on interdisciplinarity (This extends to transdisciplinarity as many UU initiatives are trans- rather than interdisciplinarity.); Mapping of and participating in research on interdisciplinarity; Educational benchmarking; Comparing notes on governance of interdisciplinarity. | Founding Member |
University of Oulu | | Finland | The University of Oulu, founded in 1958, is one of the biggest and the most multidisciplinary universities in Finland. We respond to global challenges with multi- and interdisciplinary expertise. Global challenges steer our research, education, and cooperation. As a university with a wide range of scientific disciplines, we aspire to be an international frontrunner in multi- and interdisciplinary collaboration. We promote interdisciplinary research through our university's profile areas and multidisciplinary research centres. More information of our focus on global challenges and strategy related to collaborative modes of research and education can be found here: Our Northern handprint is global. | We aim to better support researchers in forming, finding, and creating inter- and transdisciplinary teams and projects to help solve global challenges. Currently, we organise monthly events and courses for different career stages, and offer facilitation help and collaboration environment Tellus to enable inter- and transdisciplinary encounters and skills within our university. In this work, we believe that ITD Alliance is a great forum for us to develop and learn new tools and share experiences of promoting inter- and transdisciplinarity. In 2025, our university hosts the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) annual conference in 4-6.6. Welcome all ITD Alliance members! | We are interested in learning together with other inter- and transdisciplinarity specialists from all over the world. We hope that the Alliance will continue its good development in becoming an active and lively forum to share best practices, experiences, guides, and tools and to offer peer support and sparring. Through this we wish to be able to offer truly impactful support for researchers facing the challenges of inter- and transdisciplinary research. | Founding Member |
ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | | Germany | ISOE – Institute for Social-Ecological Research is a leading non-profit and non-university institute for transdisciplinary sustainability research. Since more than 30 years, the Institute has carried out problem-oriented research providing support for decision-makers and viable concepts for the future directed at policy makers, the civil society and enterprises – both at regional and international level. Research focusses on water crisis, biodiversity loss, land degradation, urban development, mobility, energy consumption Further, ISOE is actively engaged in teaching inter- and also transdisciplinary concepts and methods at different Universities. | Transdisciplinary research is a core element of ISOE’s activity profile. Since the institute’s foundation, ISOE researchers contributed to the development of transdisciplinary concepts and methods, and applied them in specific, place-based projects. By becoming a member of ITD Alliance, we aim to strengthen our international network to foster knowledge exchange, learning and collaboration with international researchers in the field. In addition, we believe that joining forces between various networks and organisations engaged in inter- and transdisciplinary research is key to transforming the science systems to improve the context conditions for such kind of research. | ISOE is active in the ITD Alliance as we expect to join forces for:
| Donor Founding Member |
Eawag, Eidgenössische Anstalt für Wasserversorgung, Abwasserreinigung und Gewässerschutz | | Switzerland | Eawag is a leading institute for research, education, and expert consulting in aquatic science and technology contributing to water sustainability and security. The institute conducts inter- and transdisciplinary research that is problem-driven and/or solution- oriented and closes critical knowledge gaps through effective cooperation with partners from policy, practice and industry. Eawag’s research is aligned with societal needs, using the targets for Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) as an organizing framework. | As a leading institute dedicated to inter- and transdisciplinary research, Eawag aims at contributing to and benefiting from exchange with other leading experts and institutions in the field. The institute aims at engaging in different working groups, especially the one on integration experts. | Eawag's main expectations vis-à-vis the ITD Alliance are to: Strengthen the network of leading experts and institutions actively engaged in inter- and transdisciplinary research; Promote exchange at the interface between science, policy, and practice and across different scientific communities (including ITD; SciTS, i2S, etc.); Contribute to theory and practice of inter- and transdisciplinary research; Establish working groups on, for instance, institutionalizing ITD, supporting early ITD careers, to address specific topics crucial for strenghtening global capacities for inter- and transdisciplinary research | Founding Member |
El Colegio de México A.C. | | Mexico | The Colegio de México is a public institution, of a university nature, dedicated to research and higher education in the social sciences and humanities, and is one of the most prominent in the Hispanic world. The Colegio de México carries out research and teaching in the areas of specialty of the Study Centres that comprise it: Historical, Linguistic and Literary, International, Asian and African, Economic, Demographic, Urban and Environmental, Sociological, and Gender Studies. The academic approach is multi and interdisciplinary, which is reflected in the continuous interaction (as projects, education programs and agreements) with sectors of public policy and society. | Based on the academic profiles and scientific lines of research that we developed as group of six professor-researchers from the Center for Demographic, Urban and Environmental Studies (CEDUA in Spanish abbreviation) of The Colegio de México, and once the objective and scope of the created Global ITD Alliance has been reviewed, it seems to us great interest to be part of this international network of knowledge. We believe that being part of ITD-Alliance will contribute to our learning of this way of approaching complex socio-environmental problems, as well as to the creation of international academic networks, which would be of great use to professor-researchers, graduate students and graduates of the Center and The Colegio de México. | The greatest expectations to be in the network, consist of: i) learning and sharing knowledge in the analytical and methodological approaches for the studies of socio-environmental problems from an inter- and transdisciplinary approach; ii) learn and promote institutional changes necessary for the incorporation of the inter and transdisciplinary approach; iii) offer an institutional space for discussion and multi-actor dialogue to sustain national scientific policy that supports and promotes the inter and transdisciplinary approach. | Founding Member |
Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | | Sweden | Researchers in the department are using transdisciplinary and action research approaches, closely working with different actors. At the core of it is the Framework for Strategic Sustainable Development, FSSD (Broman, Robèrt 2017). It has been suggested that the FSSD could be useful for structuring transdisciplinary academic education and research. The department is focusing on development of methods and tools for decision-making support at different levels. The Master's in Strategic Leadership towards Sustainability (MSLS) that has been created by the department is based on collaborations with the companies and administrative units and brings not only researchers, but also practitioners into the education. | The Department of Strategic Sustainable Development in interested to join the ITD Alliance as it is also a growing institution with more and more young and established researchers doing transdisciplinary studies. The department’s tradition of working closely with the businesses, municipalities and the region, as well as internationally, can bring South Eastern Swedish perspective into the discussion. Moreover, Blekinge Institute of Technology is part of the Baltic University Programme and is building new collaborations and partnerships around the Baltic Sea, which could be an interesting geographical area for transdisciplinarity to study. | The main expectation is to be part of the discussions with the Alliance and potential collaborations in the future. | Founding Member |
Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net), Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (SCNAT) | | Switzerland | Founding Member | |||
TdLab, ETH Zürich | | Switzerland | | TdLab was a funding member of ITD Alliance | Strengthening the international network of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary initiatives. | Founding Member |
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) | | Japan | RIHN provides a platform for the development and implementation of relatively large research projects involving networks of researchers in Japan and overseas (in particular Asia and Africa). Funded by the Ministry of Education, it solicits project proposals, incubates and develops these for 2 years, before starting a 5-year implementation phase. RIHN projects are required to be interdisciplinary in conceptualization and team composition and are expected to engage directly with society in addressing sustainability problems in a transdisciplinary way. Project leaders and staff circulate in and out of RIHN with the project cycle. In this way, RIHN aims to contribute to the building of capacity for inter- and transdisciplinarity in the university community at large. Being part of the National Institutes for the Humanities, RIHN regards sustainability problems as ultimately rooted in culture and society. | RIHN initially embarked on a path towards more societally engaged research on its own, but gradually became aware of similar transdisciplinary trends in other parts of the work. The Institute has interacted with (and hosted) many members of the ITD Alliance and its member organizations and is keen to expand and deepen such engagement. There is much to be learned from the Alliance, while there are also opportunities for RIHN to contribute. Currently, the Alliance seems well-represented in the “Western” parts of the world and RIHN may help infuse discussions with a Japanese perspective. As members of a global transdisciplinary “movement,” we will all be more effective through interaction, coordination, and collaboration. | Initially, increasing awareness of the global transdisciplinarity community within RIHN and awareness of RIHN within the global community. With time, this will hopefully develop towards growing interaction, collaboration and reflection on the meanings and practicalities of transdisciplinarity in different parts of the world. While RIHN in no formal sense represents Asia, we also hope to be able to facilitate interaction with and perhaps involvement in the ITD Alliance from other parts of Asia through our existing networks.. | Founding Member |
Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | | Switzerland | CDE is one of the University of Bern’s strategic research centres, tasked with supporting sustainable development throughout research and teaching. We conduct research and teaching on behalf of a more sustainable world. Our aim is to chart pathways to sustainable development and to initiate transformations in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In our Strategy 2021–2024, we offer a theory of change for engaged and transformative science and teaching. We combine sound research with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to analysis and transformation. Our research agenda is created within long-standing partnerships spanning the global North and South. | We have a long history of engaging in place-based inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching as well as in conducting research on new transdisciplinary approaches and theory. Due to this longstanding engagement with the topic, we would like to become part of this new exciting network of like-minded people and institutions. | We wish for and through the ITD Alliance to stay at the forefront of inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching, to engage with the network, and to seek interactions with potentially new partners. | Founding Member |
Center for Ocean and Society, Kiel Marine Science (KMS), Kiel University | | Germany | The Center for Ocean and Society conducts interdisciplinary research on ocean and society and involves societal actors in transdisciplinary projects.
The projects work on a local, regional and global level and actively involve non-university knowledge carriers in the development of research questions. Solutions for coping with the climate and ocean crisis are to be developed through the cooperation of participants from research, politics, business and civil society. The overarching goal of the research is a science-based and independent contribution to the implementation of the sustainability goals of the UN Agenda 2030. The Center for Ocean and Society conducts research on the following topics:
The Center for Ocean and Society is a cross-faculty platform of the priority research area Kiel Marine Science (KMS) at Kiel University. KMS is comprised of more than 40 working groups from seven faculties at Kiel University and acts as the umbrella organization for ocean and climate research in the natural and social sciences. The Center for Ocean and Society promotes the dialogue between science and society and therefore strengthens the exchange between scientists, civil society, politics and business. This transdisciplinary approach intends to support solution-oriented science to find ways for sustainable management of coasts and oceans. The objective is to combine scientific methods with practical knowledge to develop solutions that are acceptable for society, can be put into practice by politics and will be feasible from an economic point of view. Methods For stakeholder dialogue, the Center for Ocean and Society uses several methods the efficacy of which was proven in sustainability research:
Societal dialogue is actively shaped through discussions with ministries, networking with associations of maritime industry or exchange with interest groups like fishermen, citizens from coastal communities or NGOs active in nature conservation. Dialogue formats Transdisciplinarity and stakeholder dialogue are characteristic features of all projects at the Center for Ocean and Society. Participation in national and international networks guarantees keeping track of actual debates in society and science.
Further Information: | CeOS shares the goals and principles of the ITD-Alliance. A membership fits excellent to its inter- and transdisciplinary approach. CeOS was founded as part of Kiel Marine Sciene as a special institution for strengthening inter- and transdisciplinary science. Therefore CeOS will be honoured to become a founding member of the ITD-Alliance in 2021. | Global exchange with other scientists and universities will inspire and support the transdisciplinary work at CeOS. As CeOS is part of the Kiel Marine Science community at Kiel university with more than 40 working groups, CeOS will also act as a multiplier for transdisciplinary knowledge, tools and experiences. | Founding Member |
Michigan State University, Center for Interdisciplin | | USA | The mission of the Center for Interdisciplinarity (C4I), located at Michigan State University (MSU), is to strengthen and nurture interdisciplinary research involving the arts and humanities at MSU, as well as locally, nationally, and internationally. In addition to conducting its own research, C4I serves as a resource for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in the MSU College of Arts & Letters and across campus, as well as for partners in the local community and across the region. It also serves as an advocate for researchers and scholars, consults with teams, provides resources for and about interdisciplinarity, and creates opportunities for training, graduate education, networking, mentorship, visibility, and funding both on and off campus. | The MSU Center for Interdisciplinarity was involved in the early conversations that led to the formation of the ITD Alliance and had a hand in influencing its shape and direction. ITD Alliance also reflects a global commitment to strengthen cross-disciplinary research and education, which is closely aligned with C4I’s mission. Donor membership in the ITD Alliance positions C4I to contribute to a new but potentially game-changing organization and to be influential internationally through it. | The ITD Alliance represents an opportunity for the Center for Interdisciplinarity (C4I) to forge new international alliances and pursue new collaborative partnerships with individuals and organizations. C4I is committed to doing what it can to facilitate collaborative capacity in cross-disciplinary research, and the ITD Alliance will amplify its ability to do that. | Donor Founding Member |
AIS | | USA/International | Founding Affiliated Network Member | |||
InSciTS | | USA/International | Founding Affiliated Network Member | |||
MED - Mediterranean Institute for Agriculture, Environment and Development from Évora University | Portugal | MED mission is to promote ecosystem sustainability and food security as contribution towards territorial cohesion and wellbeing. Specifically, MED seeks to increase excellence in research and contribute with solutions to the sustainability of agroecosystems, the environment and the supporting territories of Mediterranean, through: 1. Improving resource use efficiency and competitive agriculture; 2. Improving sustainability of food system while preserving the mediterranean diet; 3. Assuring biodiversity conservation and landscape multi-functionality; 4. Promoting organizational capability and governance mechanisms; 5. Identifying pathways towards resilience and adaptation under known climate change scenarios. To achieve these goals MED carries out research driven by problem-based questions that arise from practice and also, those related to the new reality in the face of climate change. It is in this approach to science that we fundament our interest in contributing to ITD Alliance. Our strategy is to promote inter and transdisciplinary and problem-solving research at different scales (global, regional, local). MED includes 178 integrated researchers, 54 PhD students and 84 collaborators and technicians. In 2020 we sum 97 publications, we participated in 25 National and International Networks, and integrated 42 international projects and 79 national ones. A few recent examples of our work with inter-transdisciplinary approaches: Pinto-Correia, T., I. Ferraz-de-Oliveira, M. Guimarães, E. Sales-Baptista, C. Pinto-Cruz, C. Godinho, and R. Vieira Santos. 2022. Result-based payments as a tool to preserve the High Nature Value of complex silvo-pastoral systems: progress toward farm-based indicators. Ecology and Society 27(1):39. SUSTAINOLIVE project: Novel approaches to promote the SUSTAInability of OLIVE cultivation in the Mediterranean DESCRIPTION: The overall objective of SUSTAINOLIVE is to enhance the sustainability of the olive oil farming sector throughout the implementation and promotion of a set of innovative sustainable management solutions that are based on agro-ecological concepts, and on the exchange of knowledge and co-creation involving multiple actors and end-users. Website IAISON: Better Rural Innovation: Linking Actors, Instruments and Policies through Networks DESCRIPTION: LIAISON will effectively engage with policy-makers, administrators and practitioners to foster more interactive forms of research and action relating to innovation in rural areas. Central to LIAISON is a light-touch review of the experiences in approx. 200 projects and initiatives, and an in-depth assessment of approx. 30 interactive innovation projects in a broad range of agricultural and forestry sub-sectors and countries. These will provide the ground to study the diverse perceptions of ‘innovation’, ‘success’ and ‘impact’ in agriculture and rural development across the EU, the catalysts that lead to innovation, including regulatory change or non-policy stimuli, and the interplay between higher-level strategic and policy frameworks, and regional /local level policy implementation. Also, attention will be paid to connections between interactive innovation projects and other private sector, industry-led and civil society actions. LIAISON will measure its success in terms of the influence on policy processes and decisions, aiming to produce practice-ready tools that have been co-designed in processes involving the target users themselves. Website | MED includes several scientific communities from disciplinary to inter/transdisciplinary. Our strategy includes participating in networks that strength our work and where we can also learn and actively participate. We see the integration in ITD Alliance as a natural step in our serous investment in inter and transdisciplinarity. The use of such approaches implies a high degree of responsibility and the integration in this network will definitely increase our capacity to assume it. Our institute reputation from a regional up to an international sphere is based on a long term care for the social capital created by our research and education activities. Hence, we propose ourselves to ITD Alliance motivate to learn and actively contribute to the network activities. | MED would like to integrate ITD alliance working groups, mainly those related to Toolkits&Methods and Integration Experts. We aim to continue our participation at the ITD Conference and enlarge the participation to other members of MED. We are also aiming to develop alliances within the network to organize training opportunities hosted by MED (and elsewhere) for capacity building in inter and transdisciplinarity for students, researchers and research managing bodies. Finally, we hope to meet new friends and new and exciting challenges. | Member | |
Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences, University of Birmingham | | United Kingdom | Liberal Arts and Natural Sciences (“LANS”) is a small and dynamic department at the University of Birmingham. The programme is organised around the central tenets of interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity, with staff fully engaged in teaching methods of integrative learning and civic engagement. The programme is designed so that learning is not restricted to formal spaces, but includes our Cultural Programme and other events. The programme began 10 years ago, and as the current staff consolidate our teaching experience and look ahead to the next stage of the department’s dynamic development, we are keen to share our expertise with others, form new working relationships, and communicate our teaching experience through publishable content. | Since it was established in 2012, LANS has accumulated a wealth of experience in pedagogical innovation and the teaching of multidisciplinarity, interdisciplinarity, and transdisciplinarity. Joining the ITD-Alliance would provide us with an important and new space in which we can contribute to key discussions related to these topics, provide a formal means of developing the research-teaching nexus, and provide LANS with greater visibility internationally. | Being part of an active and engaged community will allow LANS staff to have ongoing discussions about teaching inter- and transdisciplinarity, which are otherwise typically had infrequently at conferences. These discussions will expose LANS staff to new ways of teaching inter- and transdisciplinarity, which will improve our collective understanding and how we teach our core curriculum.
Through working closely with Alliance members, we hope to build new partnerships that will benefit staff and which could lead to formal arrangements that benefit LANS students.
By participating in the working groups, we would be part of important discussions that establish coherence while maintaining a plurality of views on inter- and transdisciplinarity. We would be able to contribute to the impact that will be had by the ITD-Alliance as it builds its membership and extends its reach around the world. This would also improve LANS’ visibility internationally. | Member |
Institute For Sustainable Futures | | Australia | The Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) is a transdisciplinary (TD) research institute with a higher-degree research program. The ISF currently has 70 full-time researchers and 64 higher-degree research students. Established in 1997, ISF brings together expertise from diverse disciplines to deliver practical solutions for our partners and empower our researchers to effect positive change toward sustainable futures. The Institute is independent of other faculties at UTS and is primarily funded through external research income and supports UTS’s ambition to be a leading public university of technology recognised for global impact. More information on our focus can be found here: | We see the ITD-Alliance as one way of ensuring that researchers and higher degree research students at the Institute for Sustainable Futures are connected to a global network of inter-and transdisciplinary individuals and Institutions, and are productively learning from and helping to inform this network. Also, we believe that this collaborative network through the sharing of theories, methodologies, practices, and experiences, will help develop, evaluate and strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary learning and research within the Institute for Sustainable Futures. | Through the ITD-Alliance, we want to connect and engage with other inter- and transdisciplinarity institutions and individuals from across the globe. We hope that the ITD-Alliance will create a collaborative network that allows us to share theories, methodologies, practices, and experiences with other institutions and individuals within the network. Through this sharing, we hope the ITD-Alliance will help us to work collaboratively with others in the network to collectively develop, evaluate and strengthen capabilities for inter- and transdisciplinary learning and research. | Member |
TD School, University of Technology Sydney | | Australia | Established in 2017, TD School is UTS home for the integration of transdisciplinary education, research, and engagement. TD School offers internationally acclaimed coursework and does research for real world impact. We are driven to tackle problems that matter by integrating expertise across academic disciplines with expertise from professions, policy, and lived experiences. We frequently use creative and complex systems methods to evaluate complex challenges and to propose new ways forward. We operate across UTS, and regularly collaborate with colleagues across all faculties, the Institute for Sustainable Futures (ISF), the Institute for Public Policy and Governance (IPPG) and Jumbunna. | TD School is now 7 years old and individual academics have presented at the ITD Conferences. As we have grown, so has the field of TD researchers. Becoming an institutional member is an important step to recognise the important role of international communities like ITD Alliance and for TD School to be part of the conversation about how to enable more TD research and to be connected with a like-minded community, including opportunities to collaborate, share graduate student supervision, and more. | By becoming an institutional member of the ITD Alliance, TD School expects to have more opportunities to share insights about TD research through formal exchanges like conferences, but also through other channels linked to being part of an active community. We also expect to add to the existing institutional partners of the ITD Alliance to give the alliance a larger voice when it provides statements to potential funders, supporters, partners or donors of inter- and transdisciplinary projects. By being an active member, we also expect greater visibility of trends in TD research that can affect the career trajectories of the graduates we produce as well as of the academics already in this field of research. We welcome connections to other like-minded institutions who wish to connect over our distinctive emphasis on creative methods and to explore how complex challenges vary around the globe. | Member |
Centre For Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD) | | Portugal | CETRAD (Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies) is a research unit (RU) in social sciences hosted by the UTAD (University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro) located in the city of Vila Real, in the Northeast of Portugal. This RU celebrated 20 years in 2022. It is funded by the FCT (Foundation for Science and Technology), the Portuguese public agency that supports research in science, technology and innovation in all areas of knowledge. CETRAD multidisciplinary team integrates researchers from a diversity of sciences anthropology, economics, business & management, social work, sociology, tourism, agrarian, development studies, regional and rural studies. CETRAD mission is creating knowledge built on innovative approaches aimed at promoting inclusive smart sustainable wellbeing development policies, strategies, processes and in low-density territories (rural and intermediate areas) by understanding how better overcoming the barriers derived from insufficient embeddedness, feeble connectivity, and limited relatedness and the challenges placed by demographic shrinking. | CETRAD team organises around four research groups working interactively in transversal projects building on inter and transdisciplinary approaches and practices and integrating national and international multidisciplinary research consortiums and networks. Counts with more than 50 PhD students mainly enrolled in the two interdisciplinary Ph.D. programmes hosted by the CETRAD, Agribusiness & Sustainability and Development, Societies & Territories. CETRAD is launching a territorial living lab (DoLL – Douro Socio- ecological Living Lab). Motivation come from the experience in inter and transdisciplinary and aim of become part of broader and international network that helps CETRAD to move forward and be part of the reference centres on this domain. | To be an active member and to contribute to/with initiatives, ideas and long run cooperation aiming at developing and institutionalising transdisciplinarity as an a acknowledged approach both at academic and non-academic (namely policy) communities. | Member |
University of Buenos Aires/ Faculty of Architecture, Design and Urbanism FADU-UBA | | Argentina | FADU-UBA is one of the largest higher education environments in architecture, urbanism and design in Argentina, with 25.000 students and 3.000 professors and researchers. Design research and transdisciplinary research are emerging fields, and particularly suited for the FADU’s architects, urbanists, industrial designers, graphic designers, fashion designers, communication designers. | FADU-UBA does not yet have established links to international communities of transdisciplinary research. The ITD Alliance membership would be particularly beneficial to support the process of profiling design research and education as highly relevant knowledge fields in support of the sustainability agenda and in relation to scholarly contributions to this field by scholars of the Global South. |
| Member |
Centre for Integrated Research on Culture and Society (CIRCUS), Uppsala University | | Sweden | The purpose of CIRCUS is to strengthen inter- and multidisciplinary research collaborations across subjects, faculties and disciplinary domains at Uppsala University. CIRCUS is based on research in the humanities and social sciences and develops research collaborations that span the entire breadth of research at Uppsala University. CIRCUS’s overall mission is to develop successful interdisciplinary research of the highest quality for the benefit of humanity and for a better world. This is achieved by strengthening the University’s ability to produce various forms of cross-cutting research through skills development and qualified support for researcher-initiated cross-cutting collaboration. CIRCUS undertakes activities that strengthen employees’ ability to initiate and participate in such collaborations. CIRCUS also works to develop the organisational conditions for cross-cutting research collaboration at the University. CIRCUS also supports collaboration-intensive research projects. CIRCUS is also tasked to stay in contact with relevant research on interdisciplinarity and to have knowledge exchanges with national and international units with similar missions. | We perceive ITD-Alliance to be an important arena for knowledge exchange on the facilitation of ITD research. | We expect to expand our network of contacts with centres and units that have similar missions to our own. We also plan to engage with some of the working groups and to attend ITD24. | Member |
AwhiWorld | | Aotearoa New Zealand | AwhiWorld is a transdisciplinary organisation based in Northland, New Zealand. We build resilience, activate innovation and support people, places and planet. We have a significant track record in delivering generative projects that positively impact communities this includes innovation labs, immersive installations and region-wide transdisciplinary capacity-building. We have a strong commitment to transdisciplinary practice - which, for us, weaves together science, humanities, emerging technologies, creative practice and attention to the sacred. | Why become a member? Networking and collaboration and finding opportunities for mutual enrichment. | By joining the alliance, we wish to further our international partnerships and networks and contribute to supporting and promoting transdisciplinary practice in the Oceanic region. | Member |
Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | | Germany | To tackle the transformative challenges of Sustainable Development, we need to take on a problem-oriented perspective, develop a shared vision beyond disciplines and create viable solutions that extend well-established patterns. To this end, Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences has established the “Innovation and Transformation Platform for Sustainable Development” (itp:ne) with the aim of ensuring that research groups at the university are able to adequately address wicked problems in the context of planetary boundaries.
| In order to build up and continuously develop our expertise in inter- and transdisciplinary research, we need the exchange and support of experts in inter- and transdisciplinary research. We find this expertise in the ITD-Alliance.
With and through the Alliance, the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity should continue to gain in methodological rigour and influence in fields that currently limit its potential to disciplinary modes of work. This should further strengthen the global recognition of what inter- and transdisciplinarity means in terms of methodological and conceptual substance. | With and through the Alliance, the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity should continue to gain in methodological rigour and influence in fields that currently limit its potential to disciplinary modes of work. This should further strengthen the global recognition of what inter- and transdisciplinarity means in terms of methodological and conceptual substance. | Member |
Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | | Belgium | Based on the Golden Circle: (WHY) We believe that we are in a transition period for humankind, where academia can play an essential role in the co-creation of knowledge with stakeholders for speeding up actions towards a sustainable future/society. (HOW) We design and apply methodologies based on complexity, transdisciplinarity, and futures to co-create knowledge, develop new insights, and unfold potential actions to move society towards a sustainable future. (WHAT) We perform methodological research on how to address wicked problems. We apply these methodologies by providing consultancy services to other university projects and societal organizations. We bring training and education in these methodologies to university members and society. We create a safe space for experimentation where transdisciplinary projects can grow, and change-makers are trained with the skills to act for a sustainable future. | The Institute for the Future aims to strengthen transdisciplinary research and education at its Alma Mater, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, and in Belgium. We consider the ITD-Alliance as a valuable source and network for inspiration, knowledge and new collaborations to further improve transdisciplinary research methods and didactics. | KU Leuven Institute for the Future seeks to leverage membership in the TDI Alliance to engage in transdisciplinary education and boundary-crossing research, foster innovative practices for tackling complex sustainability problems and fostering human flourishing in a sustainable future. By collaborating with diverse perspectives, integrating different epistemologies and adopting a challenge-based learning approach, we aim to advance capacity for collaborative research and contribute specialized knowledge, tools, and methodologies to knowledge creating communities cutting across traditional boundaries including disciplinary, institutional, and geographical boundaries. | Member |
Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | | Netherlands | The research group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education of Avans University of Applied Sciences performs research on how transdisciplinary teams learn and work together. Our research group has around 10-15 members. We are part of the Center of Expertise Future Proof Education (around 50 employees). Questions we relate to are: How do participants of transdisciplinary groups in education create more knowledge together and/or contribute to the solution of a problem? Based on research, we are developing a dynamic tool. This tool helps to create, implement and deliver transdisciplinary education. The aimed impact of the research group is ample evidence-informed transdisciplinary educational environments. | The focus of the ITD-Alliance perfectly fits the focus of the research group. It is a perfect platform to exchange knowledge and to create a wide network. It gives hope. | Exchange of knowledge and the opportunity to create a network and research consortia. Also, reciprocal valorisation / dissemination of knowledge can be achieved through the Alliance. | Member |
Centre for Unusual Collaborations | | Netherlands | Supporting research that brings together early and mid-career scholars with diverse profiles seeking to transcend disciplinary boundaries so as to contribute to addressing pressing challenges, in humane collaborations; ● Gathering and documenting knowledge on the process of inter- and transdisciplinary collaboration to advance the body of knowledge and the accessibility of that knowledge to current and future research teams; ● Facilitating and strengthening learning processes that enhance tentacular thinking and doing – drawing on multiple senses and modes of communication to creatively engage with complex realities – among scholars from diverse backgrounds; ● Advocating for institutional structures that recognise and reward more nurturing, inclusive, transparent and sustainable ways for scholars to learn from and collaborate with one another, as part of an international ecosystem of like-minded initiatives. | The ITD Alliance offers a like-minded community that aims to better understand and support everything ITD. That fits seamlessly with our aims, it would make much sense to be stronger embedded, so that we have even easier access to the wealth of knowledge the alliance offers. | See above at motivation: embeddedness in and easier access to a wealth of experience and knowledge on ITD. | Member |
NITRO-Oceania: Network of Leaders of Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Research Organisations in the Oceania Region | | Australia | NITRO-Oceania is a network of leaders fostering interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research and education within and across organisations. Our mission is inspiring and supporting researchers to achieve transformational impact on global challenges. We endeavour to represent interdisciplinarity and transdisciplinarity in research policy and funding settings in the region. We acknowledge and strive to incorporate the richness of multiple forms of knowledge and diverse cultural contexts within the Oceania region and beyond. | NITRO-Oceania seeks to be part of the vibrant ITD Alliance global community to advance our aims of: - Fostering attention to grand challenges of particular significance to the Oceania region - Creating supportive environments and infrastructure - Developing effective metrics for excellence, impact and return on investment - Improving funding availability and outcomes - Supporting next generation organisational leaders - Providing effective career paths and role models for interdisciplinarians and transdisciplinarians at all levels, and especially to support early-career researchers - Developing workable transition pathways to implementation of new metrics and effective career paths. | To work together to form an Oceania regional network of the ITD Alliance. NITRO-Oceania is a network of organisational leaders and since our formation in 2019 there has been considerable interest among researchers and educators, who are not in organisational leadership positions in the region, in playing a more active role in our network. This is not something that can be easily accommodated within the current rationale for NITRO-Oceania, but our view is that accommodating this wider interest would be best accomplished in collaboration with the ITD Alliance, by forming an Oceania regional network of the ITD Alliance. | Affiliated Network Member |
Responsive Research Collective | | Switzerland | Who we are: We are an international collective of scholars, educators, evaluators, organizational developers and activist. Our shared objective is to contribute to transform research and higher education towards inter- and transdisciplinarity. RRC was founded in 2021. What we do: We conduct workshops and trainings for research and educator teams, evaluations for research projects and programs, accompany teams and institutions in transforming towards more inter- and transdisciplinary approaches, publish on inter- and transdisciplinary and transformative research and have a particular focus on promoting and enabling decolonized approaches to research, teaching and evaluation. Our international consortium consists of members from Botswana, Mexico, Switzerland, Canada, South Africa and Germany. We are partnering with organizations from Austria, New Zealand and Mexico. | Ulli Vilsmaier has been individual member of the ITD Alliance. As we are consolidating as an organization, we would like to become an institutional member to join forces with the ITD Alliance. | Conduct joint activities for ITD Alliance members, such as workshops on decolonizing inter- and transdisciplinarity and the Td Summer School: Research at the Science | Society Interface // Td Escuela de Verano: Investigación Transdisciplinaria en la Interfaz Ciencia | Sociedad Advance knowledge, deepen understanding and strengthen networks through engagement in potential future working groups on teaching/learning and evaluation Create visibility for our work. | Member |
University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | | Netherlands | Transition education with transdisciplinary teams | We are in the stage of development and could use some inspiration and learning from others about transitions and transdisciplinairy learning and research. | Learning from others and sharing experiences | Member |

Individual Members
Joining the ITD Alliance as individual members, these people resemble the diverse inter- and transdisciplinary community. Here you can find a list of our founding members, who joined the ITD Alliance during its founding phase and who form the core of inter- and transdisciplinary communities. The search function will scan all available fields.
First Name | Surname | Affiliation | Country | Membership Status |
Stephen | Fiore | University of Central Florida, International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS) | United States of America | Founding Member |
Pia | Laborgne | European Institute for Energy Research | Germany | Founding Member |
Martina | Schäfer | Technische Universität Berlin, Center for Technology and Society | Germany | Founding Member |
Merritt | Polk | Göteborgs Universitet, Global Studies | Sweden | Founding Member |
Kathrin | Wieck | Technische Universität Berlin, Büro der Ersten Vizepräsidentin, Ressort Forschung, Berufungsstrategie und Transfer | Germany | Founding Member |
Cristina | Zurbriggen | UDELAR | Uruguay | Founding Member |
Stefan | Böschen | RWTH Aachen, Human Technology Center | Germany | Founding Member |
Gabriela | Michelini | Fachhochschule Potsdam, Institut für Angewandte Forschung Urbane Zukunft | Germany | Founding Member |
Rea | Pärli | ETH Zürich, USYS & GESS | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Carolyn Gay (Tally) | Palmer | Rhodes University, Institute for Water Research | South Africa | Founding Member |
Kristina | Pelikan | Swiss TPH | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Susanne | Schuck-Zöller | Heimholtz-Zentrum Hereon, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS) | Germany | Founding Member |
Livia | Fritz | EPFL | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Antje | Michel | Potsdam University of Applied Sciences | Germany | Founding Member |
Nicole | Aeschbach | Heidelberg University, Institute of Geography | Germany | Founding Member |
Nicholas | Zingale | Clevelenad State University | United States of America | Founding Member |
Jillian | Student | Wageningen University & Research | Netherlands | Founding Member |
Holger | Hoff | Graz University, Wegener Center | Austria | Founding Member |
Gabriele | Bammer | Australian National University, National Centre for Epidemiology and Population Health | Australia | Founding Member |
Sawsan | Khuri | Collaborative Capacities (and University of Exeter), (Medical Sciences) | United Kingdom | Founding Member |
Yasuhisa | Kondo | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) | Japan | Founding Member |
Gemma Brigid | O'Sullivan | Trinity College Dublin, School of Education | Ireland | Founding Member |
Brian | Belcher | Royal Roads University | Canada | Founding Member |
Martina | Ukowitz | University of Klagenfurt, Department of Human Resources, Leadership, and Organization | Austria | Founding Member |
Kristine Susanna | Lund | CNRS | France | Founding Member |
Margaret | Krebs | Earth Leadership Program | United States of America | Founding Member |
Ulrike | Kuchner | Suratómica | United Kingdom | Founding Member |
Julie | Zähringer | Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Matthias | Wanner | Wuppertal Institute, Sustainable Consumption and Produktion - Innovation Labs | Germany | Founding Member |
Alex | Baumber | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Founding Member |
Ulrike | Zeshan | University of Central Lancashire, School of Humanities, Language and Global Studies | United Kingdom | Founding Member |
Stephen James | Crowley | Boise State University, Philosophy | United States of America | Founding Member |
Mariana | Zafeirakpooulos | UTS | Australia | Founding Member |
Ileana | Espejel | Universidad Autónoma de Baja California, Facultad de Ciencias | Mexico | Founding Member |
Tanja | Golja | University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Founding Member |
Bianca | Vienni-Baptista | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Jan | Freihardt | ETH Zürich, Wissenschaf(f)t Zukünfte e.V. | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Flurina | Schneider | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research and Goethe University of Frankfurt | Germany | Founding Member |
Ines | Omann | Sustainable Quality of Life - Research and Facilitation | Austria | Founding Member |
Maria | Perevochtchikova | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Founding Member |
Jacqueline Amanda | Melvold | University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Founding Member |
Catherine | Amelink | Virginia Tech | United States of America | Founding Member |
Femke | Merkx | Kenniscocreatie, onderzoek & advies | Netherlands | Founding Member |
Isabelle | Providoli | Centre for Development and Environment, University of Bern | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Daniel J. | Lang | Leuphana Universitaet Lueneburg, Institut für Ethik und Transdisziplinaere Nachhaltigkeitsforschung | Germany | Founding Member |
Kirsi-Mari Annele | Cheas | University of Vaasa, Innolab & FINTERDIS - The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society, Innolab | Finland | Founding Member |
Ges | Rosenberg | University of Bristol, Mechanical Engineering | United Kingdom | Founding Member |
Ria | Lambino | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) | Japan | Member |
Jana | Semrau | Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | Germany | Founding Member |
Monika | Gonser | Intersectoral School of Governance Baden-Württemberg, DHBW | Germany | Founding Member |
Vanja | Djinlev | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Basirat Ashabi | Oyalowo | University of Lagos, Estate Management | Nigeria | Founding Member |
Felix Kwabena | Donkor | University of Education, Winneba-Ghana | Ghana | Founding Member |
Nikki | Brand | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Founding Member |
Gaetano | Lotrecchiano | George Washington University, Associate Dean, Innovative and Collaborative Pedagogy | United States of America | Founding Member |
Anna-Leena | Kähkönen | University of Jyväskylä | Finland | Founding Member |
Caryn | Anderson | Knowledge E, Training& Strategy Expert | United Arab Emirates | Founding Member |
Tan Vu | Nguyen | Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg | Germany | Founding Member |
Clemens | Mader | Empa - Technology and Society Lab, RCE Zurich | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Tony | Lingham | Interaction Science, LLC., Co founder, Chief Executive and Science Officer | United States of America | Founding Member |
Rebecca | Laycock Pedersen | Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies | Sweden | Founding Member |
Susanne | Pratt | University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Transdisciplinary School | Australia | Founding Member |
Ingo | Hoelzle | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Christine Ogilvie | Hendren | Appalachian State University, Vice Provost for Research and Innovation | United States of America | Founding Member |
Delvendé Innocent | Kiba | INERA | Burkina Faso | Founding Member |
Stefan | Hilser | Hochschule Darmstadt, s:ne Systeminnovation für Nachhaltige Entwicklung - Servicezentrum Forschung und Transfer | Germany | Founding Member |
Juliana | Merçon | Universidad Veracruzana | Mexico | Founding Member |
BinBin J. | Pearce | Transdisciplinarity Lab, ETH Zurich | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Ulli | Vilsmaier | Responsive Research Collective | Austria/Switzerland | Founding Member |
Blessing Nonye | Onyima | Sociology/Antrhopology, Faculty of Social Sciences, PMB 5025, Nnamdi Azikiwe University | Nigeria | Founding Member |
Frédéric | Darbellay | University of Geneva | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Julie | Thompson Klein | Wayne State University / AIS / INSciTS | USA | Founding Member |
Tetsu | Sato | Ehime University SDGs Promotion Office | Japan | Founding Member |
Catherine | Lyall | University of Edinburgh | Scotland | Founding Member |
Maria | Garcia-Martin | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Rico | Defila | University of Basel, MGU, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Antonietta | Di Giulio | University of Basel, MGU, Research Group Inter-/Transdisciplinarity | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Mabel | Aworh | Federal Ministry of Agriculture & Rural Development | Nigeria | Founding Member |
Vladimir | Mokiy | Russia | Founding Member | |
Tatiana | Lukyanova | Institute of Transdisciplinary Technologies | Russia | Founding Member |
Andres | Maria-Ramirez | El Colegio de Tlaxcala, A.C. Mexico | Mexico | Founding Member |
Ryan | Runkewich | United States of America | Founding Member | |
Yonas Yohannes | Shikur | Ethiopian Environment and Forest Research Institute | Ethiopia | Member |
Titilola | Bright-Oridami | University of Lagos | Nigeria | Member |
Oliver | Mtapuri | University of KwaZulu Natal | South Africa | Member |
David | Muchangi | University of Embu | Kenya | Member |
Tobias | Buser | Koforges | Switzerland | Founding Member |
Regina | Rhodius | Öko-Institut e.V | Germany | Member |
Marianne | Penker | University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna | Austria | Member |
Hanna | Hilbert | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Tom | Dedeurwaerdere | Université catholique de Louvain | Belgium | Member |
Ibrahim | Umar | Public and Environmental Health Department, Federal University Dutse | Nigera | Member |
Pfungwa Michelle | Nyamukachi | University of Pretoria | South Africa | Member |
Bashudev | Neupane | Jay Nepal | Nepal | Member |
Iris | Mencke | Music Perception and Processing Lab, Department of Medical Physics and Acoustic, Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg | Germany | Member |
Sibylle | Studer | Caritas Switzerland | Switzerland | Member |
Maria | Franco | Berner Fachhochshul | Switzerland | Member |
Michel | Spiro | Chair Steering Committee of the International Year of Basic Sciences for Sustainable Development IYBSSD 2022 2023 | France | Member |
Evelina | Buroke | University of Vilnius | Lithuania | Member |
Cory | Whitney | University of Bonn | Germany | Member |
Elsa Ligaya | Dingkuhn | WUR - Farming System Ecology group, wageningen University | Netherlands | Member |
Andrea Alejandra | Núñez Romero | Universidad de La Frontera | Chile | Member |
Susanne | Moser | Susanne Moser Research & Consulting | USA | Member |
Kumela | Nedessa | Addis Ababa University | Ethiopia | Member |
Ana Paula | Margain | Mexico | Member | |
Roger | Keller | University of Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Ana Roberta | Fonseca Toussaint | Mexico | Member | |
Erik | Stern | Weber State University | USA | Member |
Mingbao | Chen | Macau University of Science and Technology | China | Member |
Kitty | Wooley | Senior Fellows and Friends | USA | Member |
Milan | Slat | Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena | Germany | Member |
Melissa | Robson-Williams | Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research | Aotearoa New Zealand | Member |
Fulvio | D'Acquisto | UK | Member | |
Payal | Maharaj | University of Queensland and University of the South Pacific | Fiji | Member |
Nevine | Baz | kidsXhibition | Egypt | Member |
Pierre | Willa | SNSF | Switzerland | Member |
Simon | Grant | Belgium | Member | |
Carole Bernadette | Rapo | ETH Zürich, D-USYS | Switzerland | Member |
Mariana | Zafeirakopoulos | The University of Sydney | Australia | Member |
Bethany | Laursen | University of Michigan, Michigan Institute for Clinical & Health Research | USA | Member |
Mikko | Salmela | University of Helsinki | Finland | Member |
Annet | van Royen-Kerkhof | University Medical Center Utrecht | Netherlands | Member |
Jean Jerome | Camara | Movendi International - Mali | Mali | Member |
Barbara | Smetschka | Institute of Social Ecology, BOKU Vienna | Austria | Member |
Laura | de Groot | Athena Institute, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | The Netherlands | Member |
Marie | McEntee | University of Auckland | New Zealand | Member |
Marieke | Vermue | Utrecht University, Social Psychology | Netherlands | Member |
Elena Grace | Siegrist | Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Land Change Science | Switzerland | Member |
Hussein | Zeidan | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | Netherlands | Member |
Amber | Mers | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Athena Institute | Netherlands | Member |
Esther | Blokbergen | Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Athena Institute | Netherlands | Member |
Yamini | Yogya | Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ | Germany | Member |
Tim | Geiges | Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL, Land Change Science | Switzerland | Member |
Morten | Stromme | University of Amsterdam | Netherlands | Member |
Iain | Gordon | Australian National University | Australia | Member |
Candace | Bloomquist | Creighton University, Department of Interdisciplinary Studies | USA | Member |
Anne Jantje | Bruggen | Resilient Delta Initiative, Methodology | Netherlands | Member |
Michael | Facius | The University of Tokyo, Institutes for Advanced Studies, Tokyo College | Japan | Member |
Eva | Borkhuis | Erasmus University Rotterdam | Netherlands | Member |
Yuko | Onishi | Doshisha University | Japan | Member |
Ilse | van de Groep | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Clinical Psychology | Netherlands | Member |
Charlotte | van Tuijl | Erasmus University Rotterdam, Department of Public Administration and Sociology | Netherlands | Member |
Peraphan | Jittrapirom | Radboud University, Method | Netherlands | Member |
Nely Melina | Gamez Mokay | TU Delft, TPM | Netherlands | Member |
Femke | Bekius | Radboud University, Methodology | Netherlands | Member |
Federica | Russo | Utrecht University, Freudenthal Institute | Netherlands | Member |
Jules Rochielle | Sievert | NuLawLab, Northeastern University, | USA | Member |
Eleni | Spiroudis | University of Zurich, School for Transdisciplinary Studies | Switzerland | Member |
Richard | Szostak | University of Alberta | Canada | Member |
Mimi | Byun | University of North Texas | USA | Member |
Anne-Sophie | Schaltegger | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Ariane | Wenger | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Christian | Pohl | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Helena | Winiger | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Juanita | von Rothkirch | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Konstanty | Ramotowski | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Lorena | Kuratle | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Lukas | Guyer | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Maria | Rey | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Marlene | Mader | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Melanie | Surchat | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Michael | Stauffacher | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Mollie | Chapman | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Philipp | Lischer | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Pius | Krütli | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Shiila | Infriccioli | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Stephanie | Briers | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Leonhard | Späth | TdLab, ETH Zürich | Switzerland | Member |
Jean Jerome | Camara | Movendi International | Mali | Member |
Gerardo Moises | Gutierrez Rivas | Creighton University, EdD in Interdisciplinary Leadership | United States | Member |
Keith | Levesque | Université Laval, Office of the Vice Rector, Research and Innovation | Canada | Member |
Jinat | Hossain | University of Zurich, Geography | Switzerland | Member |
Rebekka | Reichold | University of Zurich, School for Transdisciplinary Studies | Switzerland | Member |
Valerie | Imbruce | Washington College, Center for Environment and Society | United States | Member |
Silke | Kleihauer | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Jessica | Krejci | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Jonas | Rehn-Groenendijk | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Rebecca | Niebler | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Aaron | Rittmeier | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Anna | Zeitler | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Dominik | Gager | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
Daniel | Feser | Innovation- and Transformation- Platform for Sustainable Development (itp:ne) | Germany | Member |
TinhTam | Nguyen | Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | Belgium | Member |
Simona | Pesaresi | Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | Belgium | Member |
Jan-Peter | Sandler | Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | Belgium | Member |
Marie | Stockman | Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | Belgium | Member |
Anne-Mieke | Vandamme | Institute for the Future, KU Leuven | Belgium | Member |
Tom | Bouwmeester | Centre for Unusual Collaborations | Netherlands | Member |
Anke | de Vrieze | Centre for Unusual Collaborations | Netherlands | Member |
Corinne | Lamain | Centre for Unusual Collaborations | Netherlands | Member |
Inge | Stegeman | Centre for Unusual Collaborations | Netherlands | Member |
Helma | van Luttikhuizen | Centre for Unusual Collaborations | Netherlands | Member |
Stephen | Crowley | Boise State University, Philosophy | USA | Member |
Doriam | Camacho Rodriguez | Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia Campus Santa Marta | Colombia | Member |
Jenna | Mikus | Eudae Group, University of Melbourne, and QUT | Australia | Member |
Beth | Fulton | NITRO-Oceania | Australia | Member |
Barbara | Doran | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Bem | Le Hunte | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Fanny | Salignac | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Giedre | Kligyte | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Helena | Robinson | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Hossai | Gul | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Jarnae | Leslie | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Jarrod | Ormiston | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Karen | Schulz | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Kees | Dorst | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Leila | Khanjaninejad | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Lucy | Allen | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Luis | Lazano Paredez | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Martin | Bliemel | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Monique | Potts | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Paul | Brown | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Sarah | Hatem | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Alice | Dong | TD School, University of Technology Sydney | Australia | Member |
Evelyne | Schnittger | Hamburg University | Germany | Member |
Monique | Arkesteijn | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Member |
Thomas | Vogl | TU Delft | Netherlands | Member |
Regina | Rhodius | Öko-Institut e.V | Germany | Member |
Anne | Salmi | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Durba | Biswas | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Johanna | Leinonen | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Alexandra | Middleton | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Yanping | Tian | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Muhammad | Usman | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Songlin | Yang | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Tekla Maria | Heinonen | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Mirjami | Jutila | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Johanna | Bluemink | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Taina | Pihlajaniemi | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Rashad | Hegazy | Kafr El Sheikh University; Nile Delta Water Management Programme (NDWM), Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH GIZ-Egypt | Egypt | Member |
Elina | Niemitalo-Haapola | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Anu | Rytivaara | University of Oulu | Finland | Member |
Daniel | Niles | Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN) | Japan | Member |
Seema | Purushothaman | Azim Premji University | India | Member |
Erica | McIntyre | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Hannah | Mullen | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Ian | Cunningham | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Isabel | Sebastian | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Jason | Prior | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Jordan | Roods | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Juliet | Willetts | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Martin | Egan | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Melanie | Lewis | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Melita | Grant | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Naomi | Carrard | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Nina | Frankowski | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Nuhu | Amin | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Qianyao | Huang | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Sarah | Wilson | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Seth | Opoku Mensah | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Simon | Fane | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Simon | Ross | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Somayeh | Koohestani | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Stuart | Martin | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Stuart | White | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Marca V.C. | Wolfensberger | Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | Netherlands | Member |
Anne | van Tuijl | Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | Netherlands | Member |
Els | Roskam-Pelgrim | Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | Netherlands | Member |
Julie | Kurris | Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | Netherlands | Member |
Lara | van Peppen | Avans University of Applied Sciences – Research Group Transdisciplinary Collaboration in Education | Netherlands | Member |
Bridget | Weston | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Edgar | Liu | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Jeremy | Cox | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Tamara | Al-Obaidi | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Kerry | Tozer | Institute For Sustainable Futures | Australia | Member |
Nina | Bohm | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Simon | Gusman | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Joki | Poel | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Iris | Tuin | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Anastasia | Hacopian | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Sjang | Hagen | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Frank | Hakemulder | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Annemarie | Horn | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Coco | Kanters | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Anne | Kustritz | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Rianne | Lambalgen | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Christel | Lutz | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Toine | Minnaert | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Gemma | O'Sullivan | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Jessica | Oudenampsen | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Fieke | Sluijs | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Roosmarijn | Woerden | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Timothy | Bland | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Lars | Heuver | Utrecht University | Netherlands | Member |
Theresa | Tribaldos | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Stephanie | Moser | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Felix | Poelsma | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Isabelle | Providoli | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Brigitte | Portner | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Jimena | Solar | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Andra-Ioana | Horcea-Milcu | Kassel Institute for Sustainability | Germany | Member |
Sabine | Hoffmann | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Lisa | Deutsch | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Benjamin | Hofmann | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Hanna | Salomon | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Jana | Thierfelder | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Donata | Dettwiler | Eawag | Switzerland | Member |
Mindy | Blaise | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Dave | Blake | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Justine | Dandy | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Naomi | Godden | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Lizzy | Lowe | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Leanda | Mason | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Angus | Morrison Saunders | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Mehran | Nejati | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Jo | Pollitt | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Cassandra | Tytler | Centre for People, Place & Planet | Australia | Member |
Lisbeth | Iverson | The Oslo School of Architecture and Design | Norway | Member |
Diaa | Ahmedien | Helwan University | Egypt | Member |
M.S. (Peg) | AtKisson | AtKisson Training Group, LLC | USA | Member |
Renate G. | Klaasen | Delft University of Technology | Netherlands | Member |
Eveline | Wandl-Vogt | URBANITARIUM - Future Living as a Service | Austria | Member |
Jaime Staples | King | University of Auckland, Faculty of Law | New Zealand | Member |
Sayed Md Saikh | Imtiaz | University of Dhaka | Bangladesh | Member |
Harri | Kettunen | University of Helsinki | Finland | Member |
Hegias | Mira Bontenbal | Erasmus MC | Netherlands | Member |
Gemma | Tejedor | Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | Spain | Member |
Zoe | Bulaitis | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Massimiliano | di Luca | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Marina | Elosegui Garcia | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Lloyd | Jenkins | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Adam | Matthews | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Julia | Myatt | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Julian | Paenke | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Ilija | Rasovic | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Melanie | Roxby-Mackey | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Simon | Scott | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Diana | Spencer | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Emil | Toescu | Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learning Group, University of Birmingham | UK | Member |
Anne B. | Zimmerman | Centre for Development and Environment (CDE), University of Bern | Switzerland | Member |
Julie | Parker | University of York | UK | Member |
James | Ayers | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Jayne | Bryant | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Elaine | Daly | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Rachael | Gould | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Sze Yin | Kwok | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Merlina | Missimer | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Varvara | Nikulina | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Giles | Redding Thomson | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
Lisa | Wälitalo | Department of Strategic Sustainable Development, Blekinge Institute of Technology | Sweden | Member |
José Alvaro | Hernández Flores | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Landy Lizbeth | Sánchez Peña | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Jessica Natalia | Najera Aguirre | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Judith | Dominguez Serrano | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Carlos Andrés | López Morales | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Nathaly | Llanes Díaz | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Ana | Covarrubias Velasco | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Laura | Flamand Gomez | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Nain | Martínez | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Nitzan | Shoshan | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Ana María | Tepichin Valle | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Aurora | Ramírez | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Melina | Altamirano Hernández | El Colegio de México A.C. | Mexico | Member |
Jon | Kim | INRAE / DigitAg | France | Member |
Johanna C. | Colgrove | TU Delft, Applied Sciences--Nanobiology | Netherlands | Member |
Bettina | König | Universität Kassel, Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement in der internationalen Ernährungswirtschaft | Germany | Member |
Oliver | Kessler | Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts | Switzerland | Member |
Erica | Key | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Veera | Mitzner | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Judit | Ungvari | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Makyba | Charles-Ayinde | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Laurel | Milliken | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Bridget | Blake | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Stephan | Useche | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Kyoko | Shiota-MacAulay | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Kathy | Kohm | Future Earth | Global | Member |
Solongo | Jargalsaikhan | Thammasat University | Thailand | Member |
Jürg A. | Staudenmann | Wyss Academy for Nature | Switzerland | Member |
Matthias | Bergmann | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Stefanie | Burkhart | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Thomas | Jahn | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Alexandra | Lux | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Oskar | Marg | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Lena | Theiler | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Chantal | Krumm | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Dzeneta | Hodzic | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Fanny | Frick-Trzebitzky | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Jill Hillary | Slinger | Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Technlogy, Policy and Management | Netherlands | Member |
Richard | Beecroft | Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, KIT-Center Humans and Technology | Germany | Member |
Ruth | Norris | The University of Manchester | United Kingdom | Member |
Tigran | Keryan | Boku University | Austria | Member |
Bertha | Hernández-Aguilar | National Laboratory of Sustainability Sciences UNAM | Mexico | Member |
Alireza | Mashaghi | Leiden University, Faculty of Science | Netherlands | Member |
Devanathan | Parthasarathy | Indian Institute of Technology Bombay | India | Member |
Florian | Rummler | University of Augsburg | Germany | Member |
Isabel | Bueno | Responsive Research Collective | Switzerland | Member |
Thenjiew E. | Major | Responsive Research Collective | Switzerland | Member |
Esther | Meyer | Responsive Research Collective | Switzerland | Member |
Herco | Fonteijn | Maastricht University | Netherlands | Member |
Seongsook | Choi | University of Edinburgh | UK | Member |
Irene | Wols | University of Twente | Netherlands | Member |
Astrid | Van Rooij | University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | Netherlands | Member |
Ghislaine | Bongers | University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | Netherlands | Member |
Annelies | Heijmans | University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | Netherlands | Member |
Linar | Akhmetzyanov | University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | Netherlands | Member |
Stephan | Flink | University of Applied Sciences Van Hall Larenstein - International Development Management | Netherlands | Member |
Claire | Foley | Cleveland State University | USA | Member |
William | Acree | Washington University in St. Louis | USA | Member |
Michael | Kress-Ludwig | ISOE - Institute for Social-Ecological Research | Germany | Member |
Adey | Desta | Addis Ababa University | Ethiopia | Member |