Newsletters & Blogs

There are many Newsletters and Blogs where news, events, tools, studies, and other information relevant to inter- and transdisciplinarity are presented and discussed.

○ The Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance) produces a bi-monthly newsletter to inform members about activities of the organisation, including working groups, and to share relevant news, publications, and opportunities with members.

Link to ITD Alliance Newsletter (archive of past issues, subscribe, contribute)

Integration and Implementation Sciences (i2S) publishes a quarterly newsletter about developments in i2S (i2S News) and also curates the Integration and Implementation Insights (i2Insights)  blog and repository, with new contributions weekly about  methods, frameworks, processes, concepts, theories and competencies to better understand and act on complex societal and environmental problems.

Link to i2S News:

Link to i2Insights blog and repository (available in English, some posts as well in other languages)

Network for Transdisciplinary Research (td-net) offers a monthly newsletter providing information in transdisciplinarity specific events, literature, and community news.

Subscribe to the Newsletter of td-net (entries in in English, French and German)

tdAcademy newsletter informs every two months about research results, current events and new happenings in the tdCommunity.

Link to tdAcademy Newsletter (entries in English and German)

Regarding Newsletters, we would be glad to receive your input: which freely accessible newsletter(s) in the field of inter- and transdisciplinarity would you recommend? Please email the link and information to