ITD Alliance Early Career Working Group – Virtual Coffee

The ITD Alliance Early Career Working Group welcomes all early career researchers to a virtual coffee on 22. November 2023, 14:00-15:00 CET!

During this discussion, the group will share a revised version of the “Handbook for ITD Early Career Researchers”. Over nearly a two years process,  this handbook has collected some key questions and collective responses to the most salient questions that ECRs have about getting started on an ITD topic/career, what it means be an ITD researcher, how to practically navigate such a career and more. Additionally, it will be discussed the development of new ideas for peer mentoring and networking in support of scholars from underrepresented regions of the world.

This event offers an opportunity to connect with other researchers facing and overcoming similar challenges, and to learn about inspiring work that is being done all around.

Join the Early Career Working Group – Virtual Coffee here.

Topic: ITD ECR Working Group Virtual Coffee

Time: Nov 22, 2023 02:00 PM Amsterdam

Meeting ID: 925 5971 6847

If you would like to join the working group email list for future announcements, please contact:

BinBin Pearce:


Irina Dallo: