The Association for Interdisciplinary Studies
The Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly Association for Integrative Studies)
is an interdisciplinary professional organization founded in 1979
to promote the interchange of ideas among scholars and administrators
in all of the arts and sciences on intellectual and organizational issues
related to furthering integrative studies.
Incorporated as a non-profit educational association
in the State of Michigan, it has an international membership.
The Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (formerly Association for Integrative Studies)
is an interdisciplinary professional organization founded in 1979
to promote the interchange of ideas among scholars and administrators
in all of the arts and sciences on intellectual and organizational issues
related to furthering integrative studies.
Incorporated as a non-profit educational association
in the State of Michigan, it has an international membership.
Institute for Social-Ecological Research
The Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) in Frankfurt/Germany is one of the leading independent institutes for sustainability research.
For more than 30 years, it has been developing scientific bases and future oriented concepts for politics, civil society and the economy
– regionally, nationally and internationally.
The Institute for Social-Ecological Research (ISOE) in Frankfurt/Germany is one of the leading independent institutes for sustainability research.
For more than 30 years, it has been developing scientific bases and future oriented concepts for politics, civil society and the economy
– regionally, nationally and internationally.
Center for Ocean and Society
The research at the Center for Ocean and Society is based on the understanding of seas
and coasts as socio-ecological systems. Experts from economics, geology, oceanography,
fisheries biology, chemistry and other disciplines work together on projects with the
active involvement of societal actors. This makes it possible to examine a topic from different perspectives
and changes the approach to these problems. To assess different scenarios,
methodologically specific models from economics as well as climate research,
ocean research and ecosystem research are linked.
The research at the Center for Ocean and Society is based on the understanding of seas
and coasts as socio-ecological systems. Experts from economics, geology, oceanography,
fisheries biology, chemistry and other disciplines work together on projects with the
active involvement of societal actors. This makes it possible to examine a topic from different perspectives
and changes the approach to these problems. To assess different scenarios,
methodologically specific models from economics as well as climate research,
ocean research and ecosystem research are linked.
Center for Sustainable Urban Futures
Urban Futures is a research- and knowledge centre working within the field of sustainable
urban development, one of the most important societal challenges today.
All projects within Urban Futures are run jointly by researchers and practitioners
with the aim to realising fair, green and accessible cities.
Urban Futures is a research- and knowledge centre working within the field of sustainable
urban development, one of the most important societal challenges today.
All projects within Urban Futures are run jointly by researchers and practitioners
with the aim to realising fair, green and accessible cities.
Centre for Development and Environment
CDE is Switzerland’s centre of excellence for sustainable development. One of the University of Bern’s strategic research centres,
they are tasked with mainstreaming sustainability throughout the university’s research and teaching.
They conduct research and teaching on behalf of a more sustainable world. Their aim is to chart pathways to sustainable development
and to initiate transformations in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In their strategy, they show how they are committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda through their theory of change.
They combine sound research with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to analysis and transformation.
Their research agenda is created within long-standing partnerships spanning the global North and South.
CDE is Switzerland’s centre of excellence for sustainable development. One of the University of Bern’s strategic research centres,
they are tasked with mainstreaming sustainability throughout the university’s research and teaching.
They conduct research and teaching on behalf of a more sustainable world. Their aim is to chart pathways to sustainable development
and to initiate transformations in line with the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
In their strategy, they show how they are committed to implementing the 2030 Agenda through their theory of change.
They combine sound research with inter- and transdisciplinary approaches to analysis and transformation.
Their research agenda is created within long-standing partnerships spanning the global North and South.
Department of Strategic Sustainable Development
The Department of Strategic Sustainable Development (TISU) at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) is one of six departments at the Faculty of Engineering.
It focuses on leadership and innovation for sustainability. It educates, researches, and collaborates with the aim
of providing methodological support for organizations that want to work strategically with
sustainability, and in doing so contributing to society’s transition towards sustainability.
It attracts research partners and students from all over the world and strongly contributes to BTH’s focus on IT and sustainability.
The Department of Strategic Sustainable Development (TISU) at Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH) is one of six departments at the Faculty of Engineering.
It focuses on leadership and innovation for sustainability. It educates, researches, and collaborates with the aim
of providing methodological support for organizations that want to work strategically with
sustainability, and in doing so contributing to society’s transition towards sustainability.
It attracts research partners and students from all over the world and strongly contributes to BTH’s focus on IT and sustainability.
Eawag, Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology
Eawag is part of the ETH Domain, which comprises the two Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne
and the four research institutions PSI, Empa, WSL and Eawag. The headquarters of Eawag are located in Dübendorf, Zurich.
With its research infrastructure, Eawag provides an excellent environment for research in aquatic science and technology. Eawag’s research departments are dedicated to three areas:
Water for Human Welfare
with a focus on Drinking Water and Wastewater
Water for Ecosystem Function
with a focus on Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Pollutants
Strategies for making trade-offs and resolving competing demands
with a focus on Water and Development, Inputs for societal Decision-Making and Energy
Eawag is part of the ETH Domain, which comprises the two Federal Institutes of Technology in Zurich and Lausanne
and the four research institutions PSI, Empa, WSL and Eawag. The headquarters of Eawag are located in Dübendorf, Zurich.
With its research infrastructure, Eawag provides an excellent environment for research in aquatic science and technology. Eawag’s research departments are dedicated to three areas:
Water for Human Welfare
with a focus on Drinking Water and Wastewater
Water for Ecosystem Function
with a focus on Biodiversity, Ecosystems and Pollutants
Strategies for making trade-offs and resolving competing demands
with a focus on Water and Development, Inputs for societal Decision-Making and Energy
td-net | Network for Transdisciplinary Research
The td-net addresses the concerns of researchers and research funders in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching.
As a platform, td-net promotes mutual learning between interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researchers and teachers across disciplinary,
linguistic and national borders, thus contributing to the development of a professional community.
As a centre of excellence, td-net has expertise, methods and tools for the co-production of knowledge.
With these competences, it supports inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching projects and leads them to success.
The td-net supports the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences in promoting exchange and cooperation among disciplines and between science and society.
The td-net addresses the concerns of researchers and research funders in the field of inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching.
As a platform, td-net promotes mutual learning between interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary researchers and teachers across disciplinary,
linguistic and national borders, thus contributing to the development of a professional community.
As a centre of excellence, td-net has expertise, methods and tools for the co-production of knowledge.
With these competences, it supports inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching projects and leads them to success.
The td-net supports the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences in promoting exchange and cooperation among disciplines and between science and society.
TdLab brings together lecturers and researchers from very diverse disciplinary, professional and cultural horizons.
You will find environmental scientists, psychologists, philosophers, engineers, geographers or anthropologists
from places in Switzerland to Colombia or the US.
Together, they apply existing transdisciplinary concepts and methods, develop new ones and reflect on their outcomes to further transdisciplinary research and teaching.
They are bound together by strong commitment to strengthening the interface between science and society and
addressing sustainability through transdisciplinary methods.
They are convinced that today’s problems should only be tackled in a collaborative way
building on the knowledge and skills of both academics and people directly affected and concerned by them.
TdLab brings together lecturers and researchers from very diverse disciplinary, professional and cultural horizons.
You will find environmental scientists, psychologists, philosophers, engineers, geographers or anthropologists
from places in Switzerland to Colombia or the US.
Together, they apply existing transdisciplinary concepts and methods, develop new ones and reflect on their outcomes to further transdisciplinary research and teaching.
They are bound together by strong commitment to strengthening the interface between science and society and
addressing sustainability through transdisciplinary methods.
They are convinced that today’s problems should only be tackled in a collaborative way
building on the knowledge and skills of both academics and people directly affected and concerned by them.
El Colegio de México
El Colegio de México is an outstanding social science
and humanities research and teaching institute
and has received numerous awards since its inception in 1940.
The institution operates as a small public university
and research center with a highly specialized faculty,
an excellent academic library and a program of high level seminars
and conferences on cutting edge issues of the contemporary world as well as
in many academic disciplines.
El Colegio de México is an outstanding social science
and humanities research and teaching institute
and has received numerous awards since its inception in 1940.
The institution operates as a small public university
and research center with a highly specialized faculty,
an excellent academic library and a program of high level seminars
and conferences on cutting edge issues of the contemporary world as well as
in many academic disciplines.
Espacio Interdisciplinario
El Espacio Interdisciplinario (EI) de la Universidad de la República (Udelar, Uruguay)
comenzó a gestarse a comienzos de 2007 con el objetivo de “Promover la conformación de
un espacio interdisciplinario de la Universidad de la República, que encare las tres funciones
universitarias y, en particular, respalde académica, administrativa y materialmente
el dictado de carreras compartidas y otras actividades de tipo similar, como los tramos comunes de carreras diferentes”.
En diciembre de 2008, el CDC aprobó los primeros llamados a Núcleos Interdisciplinarios
Existentes de la Udelar, Nuevos Núcleos Interdisciplinarios de la Udelar y Centros Interdisciplinarios.
Un año más tarde el EI se ponía en funcionamiento y desde ese entonces ha tenido la responsabilidad
de abrir sus puertas y brindar apoyo a diversas iniciativas de corte interdisciplinario,
como una estructura nueva y transversal a toda la organización académica de la Udelar,
abarcando todas las áreas de conocimiento con el objetivo de promover la investigación, enseñanza y extensión interdisciplinarias.
El Espacio Interdisciplinario (EI) de la Universidad de la República (Udelar, Uruguay)
comenzó a gestarse a comienzos de 2007 con el objetivo de “Promover la conformación de
un espacio interdisciplinario de la Universidad de la República, que encare las tres funciones
universitarias y, en particular, respalde académica, administrativa y materialmente
el dictado de carreras compartidas y otras actividades de tipo similar, como los tramos comunes de carreras diferentes”.
En diciembre de 2008, el CDC aprobó los primeros llamados a Núcleos Interdisciplinarios
Existentes de la Udelar, Nuevos Núcleos Interdisciplinarios de la Udelar y Centros Interdisciplinarios.
Un año más tarde el EI se ponía en funcionamiento y desde ese entonces ha tenido la responsabilidad
de abrir sus puertas y brindar apoyo a diversas iniciativas de corte interdisciplinario,
como una estructura nueva y transversal a toda la organización académica de la Udelar,
abarcando todas las áreas de conocimiento con el objetivo de promover la investigación, enseñanza y extensión interdisciplinarias.
FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society
FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society is an academic organization founded on October 4, 2018, which supports
inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching in Finland as well as internationally.
FINTERDIS aims to support especially students and early-career researchers (below Title of Docent level)
in their efforts to integrate approaches and ideas across fields,
while collaborating with more advanced scholars with inter- and transdisciplinary interests.
The goal of FINTERDIS is that early-career researchers and students would have better and more equal
opportunities for independent creative thought and a right to cross boundaries even on radical basis.
FINTERDIS – The Finnish Interdisciplinary Society is an academic organization founded on October 4, 2018, which supports
inter- and transdisciplinary research and teaching in Finland as well as internationally.
FINTERDIS aims to support especially students and early-career researchers (below Title of Docent level)
in their efforts to integrate approaches and ideas across fields,
while collaborating with more advanced scholars with inter- and transdisciplinary interests.
The goal of FINTERDIS is that early-career researchers and students would have better and more equal
opportunities for independent creative thought and a right to cross boundaries even on radical basis.
International Network for the Science of Team Science (INSciTS)
INSciTS will create and facilitate a high-impact community that develops and disseminates
an evidence-base to support team science and shapes how research is conducted to solve complex problems.
The problems impacting our world are increasingly complex, yet we are able to address them
through scientific pursuit now more than ever.
Addressing complex problems depends on cross-disciplinary collaboration, a key component of team science.
INSciTS serves as a conduit to ensure that empirical findings about team science are
accessible and useful for effective collaborative practice and policy, bridging both science and praxis.
INSciTS will create and facilitate a high-impact community that develops and disseminates
an evidence-base to support team science and shapes how research is conducted to solve complex problems.
The problems impacting our world are increasingly complex, yet we are able to address them
through scientific pursuit now more than ever.
Addressing complex problems depends on cross-disciplinary collaboration, a key component of team science.
INSciTS serves as a conduit to ensure that empirical findings about team science are
accessible and useful for effective collaborative practice and policy, bridging both science and praxis.
Future Earth
Future Earth is a network of scientists, researchers, and innovators designed to provide the knowledge needed to support transformations towards sustainability.
Their focus on systems-based approaches seeks to deepen our understanding of complex Earth systems
and human dynamics across different disciplines. They use this understanding to underpin evidence-based policies and strategies for sustainable development.
The vision of Future Earth is of a sustainable and equitable world for all, where societal
decisions are informed by openly-accessible and shared knowledge.
Future Earth’s mission is to advance research in support of transformations to global sustainability.
Future Earth convenes researchers and scholars from all parts of the world,
across different societal and academic sectors, and across the natural, social, and human sciences.
Future Earth is a network of scientists, researchers, and innovators designed to provide the knowledge needed to support transformations towards sustainability.
Their focus on systems-based approaches seeks to deepen our understanding of complex Earth systems
and human dynamics across different disciplines. They use this understanding to underpin evidence-based policies and strategies for sustainable development.
The vision of Future Earth is of a sustainable and equitable world for all, where societal
decisions are informed by openly-accessible and shared knowledge.
Future Earth’s mission is to advance research in support of transformations to global sustainability.
Future Earth convenes researchers and scholars from all parts of the world,
across different societal and academic sectors, and across the natural, social, and human sciences.
Center for Interdisciplinarity (C4I)
In addition to conducting its own research, C4I at Michigan State University serves as a
resource for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in the College of Arts & Letters and
across campus, as well as for partners in the local community and across the region.
It also serves as an advocate for researchers and scholars, consults with teams, provides
resources for and about interdisciplinarity, and creates opportunities for training,
education, networking, mentorship, visibility, and funding both on and off campus.
In addition to conducting its own research, C4I at Michigan State University serves as a
resource for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students in the College of Arts & Letters and
across campus, as well as for partners in the local community and across the region.
It also serves as an advocate for researchers and scholars, consults with teams, provides
resources for and about interdisciplinarity, and creates opportunities for training,
education, networking, mentorship, visibility, and funding both on and off campus.
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN)
RIHN promotes the co-design and co-production
of research, in which
societal actors are directly involved in defining environmental
problems and developing
new research approaches and potential
solutions. RIHN research is increasingly transdisciplinary in
that it seeks to redefine the role of science in society, improve
dialogue between different
traditions of knowledge, and stimulate
new multi-actor local, national and international collaborations.
This approach draws from the natural and social
sciences, arts and humanities, and engineering and design.
RIHN promotes the co-design and co-production
of research, in which
societal actors are directly involved in defining environmental
problems and developing
new research approaches and potential
solutions. RIHN research is increasingly transdisciplinary in
that it seeks to redefine the role of science in society, improve
dialogue between different
traditions of knowledge, and stimulate
new multi-actor local, national and international collaborations.
This approach draws from the natural and social
sciences, arts and humanities, and engineering and design.
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)
SLU conducts education, research and environmental monitoring and assessment in collaboration with society at large.
Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources,
we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet.
SLU conducts education, research and environmental monitoring and assessment in collaboration with society at large.
Through our focus on the interaction between humans, animals and ecosystems and the responsible use of natural resources,
we contribute to sustainable societal development and good living conditions on our planet.
University of Oulu
The University of Oulu is an international science university which creates new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through research and education.
The University of Oulu, founded in 1958, is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.
The University of Oulu is an international science university which creates new knowledge, well-being and innovations for the future through research and education.
The University of Oulu, founded in 1958, is one of the biggest and most multidisciplinary universities in Finland.
Utrecht University
Utrecht University is the place for new collaborations and cross-pollination.
Students, academic and administrative staff, policymakers, members of the public,
professionals and business owners; you are invited to contribute to a better world.
Utrecht University is the place for new collaborations and cross-pollination.
Students, academic and administrative staff, policymakers, members of the public,
professionals and business owners; you are invited to contribute to a better world.
Individual Founding Members
Joining the ITD Alliance during its founding phase, these individuals are forming the core of inter- and transdisciplinary communities.