td-net toolbox
Provides methods and tools for co-producing knowledge in heterogenous groups of experts from science and practice.

Why was it developed?
The toolkit was developed as a point of entry to methods and tools for collaboration between experts and stakeholders from science and practice; with a special focus on co-producing knowledge in heterogeneous groups.
Who is it for?
Those undertaking transdisciplinary research and teaching projects to tackle societal challenges.
What is in it?
- 19+ tools and methods (continuously extended) for jointly developing projects, conducting research and exploring ways to impact in heterogeneous groups.
- Shared experience section describes examples of their use.
- Method descriptions (with DOI reference) are authored by researchers who have developed/adapted/applied the method.
What features does it have?
- Straightforward to navigate
- Detailed guidance provided on individual methods, including step-by-step procedures (e.g., structured workshop formats)
- The toolbox can be searched by the main TD process phases, as well as by key issues.
- The contextualization and further development of methods is discussed in the shared experience section.
What do I need to use it?
Some knowledge of transdisciplinary research or related fields needed.
Some awareness on the level of facilitation skills (needed/existing in your project) needed.
No requirement to register.
How can I interact with it?
td-net asks users to share their thoughts, needs, expertise and questions by email with the project leader. It encourages community members to publish their experiences with applying, adapting and further developing individual methods in the shared experience section of the web portal. No discussion forum available.
What are the administrative details?
The site is maintained by the td-net, Network for Transdisciplinary Research, competence center of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences.