Integrated Research toolkit
Provides some basic tools and methods for beginners to integrated research.

Why was it developed?
The integrated research toolkit was
developed to support researchers in cross-disciplinary and cross-cultural research in Aotearoa New Zealand, by bringing together easy to use tools, methods and information in a user-friendly format.
Who is it for?
The toolkit is for researchers who are new to integrated research (e.g.cross-disciplinary, transdisciplinary and cross-cultural). It is mainly aimed at researchers, but has some resources useful to stakeholders and communities.
What is in it?
>65 tools, methods and informational
resources for doing integrated research.
The easy to use resources are displayed
according to research phases, and also packaged up into guides, commonly experienced problems and case studies.
What features does it have?
- Easy to navigate
- Case studies for seeing tools in action
- Māori Indigenous integrated research framework
What do I need to use it?
No prior integrated research skills
This toolkit is open-access.
How can I interact with it?
You can give feedback on this toolkit via
What are the administrative details?
The site is owned, hosted and maintained by The Crown Research Institute Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research in Aotearoa New Zealand.