We are happy to announce that the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (ITD Alliance Founding Member) offers reduced fees for ITD Alliance members for their 44th Annual Conference.
The conference will take place November 10-12, 2022, at Sonoma State University, California, USA (in-person, with online opportunities).
The theme of the conference is Wicked Problems and Interdisciplinarity: Sustainability, Resilience, and Designing the Future. The term “wicked problem” describes an issue that cannot easily be solved. Interdisciplinarity, transdisciplinarity, integrative thinking, and design thinking provide tools, however, for addressing the wicked problems we face in higher education and in our changing world. The conference theme invites an international array of scholars, students, and community experts to address complex issues with creative problem-solving around the following themes:
- Spaces and Places: Saving the Planet and its Inhabitants
- Being in the Room Where It Happens: Inter/Diversities, Equity, and Inclusion
- The Future of Universities and the Role of Inter- and Transdisciplinary Knowledge-Making
- The Tipping Point: How Do We Really Change the World and How Will We Know?
- Steering the Ship through the Storm: University and Interdisciplinary Leadership in Times of Crisis
More information on the Conference website