Member Events
Members say that one of the key reasons for joining the ITD Alliance is to meet and exchange ideas with like-minded peers. Join us for one or more of our upcoming events. See details below.
View details and reports of previous events in our Past Events Archive.
Understanding and Advancing Transdisciplinary Collaborations: Definitions and Skills, 8 April 2025
Date & Time: April 8, 2025, from 11:00am – 12:00pm BST, London & WAT, Lagos. (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all
Join online: Zoom
Join us online on Tuesday, April 8 at 11am BST, London & WAT, Lagos for an insightful webinar exploring the critical role of transdisciplinary collaborations in addressing complex challenges in research environments. This session will provide clarity on key terms: interdisciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and cross-disciplinary, and their application in collaborative research. Participants will gain practical insight into the skills required to undertake these forms of boundary-crossing collaboration. Beginners and other African Scholars with a stake in cross disciplinary research are particularly encouraged to join.
Speaker presentations will be followed by discussion with participants. Speakers:
- Dr. Umar Ibrahim of the Federal University Dutse, Nigeria, ITD Alliance Leadership Board member
- Prof. Gabriele Bammer of Australian National University, ITD Alliance President
For speaker biographies and further details view the webinar flyer.
Transforming undergraduate learning: teaching transdisciplinarity on a university-wide scale, 1 May 2025
Date & Time: May 1, 2025, from 1:00pm – 2:30pm AEST, Sydney. (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all
Register at Humanitix (Zoom link sent to registered participants)
Join us online on Thursday, May 1, 2025 at 1:00pm AEST, Sydney, to gain insight on developing transdisiciplinary capacity in universities.
While a focus on transdisciplinary approaches for tackling complex social and environmental problems is well established in specialised postgraduate programs, universities are becoming increasingly interested in embedding transdisciplinary capabilities at the undergraduate level. The University of Technology Sydney and The Australian National University are pioneers of such university-wide efforts in Australia. In this session, two key people from these institutions, Giedre Kligyte and Chris Browne, will share their experiences of implementing transdisciplinary learning at scale.
Giedre and Chris will make brief scene-setting presentations and then engage in a dialogue, which will then be broadened out to include the audience. Moderation will be by Gabriele Bammer, President of the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance).
This hour-long webinar will be followed by a 30-minute open discussion – a Talanoa – where you can connect with others across Oceania who are passionate about inter- and transdisciplinarity.
A recording of the seminar will be available from the ITD Alliance Oceania Regional Network web page after the event.
For speaker biographies and all details, download the webinar flyer.
Past Events Archive
A Dialogue on Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability, 26 February 2025
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Date & Time: February 26, 2025, from 10.30am – 12.00pm IST (India). (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all
Register (pre-register before 24 February to receive a calendar invite):
Description: On 26 February 2025 (10:30 AM – 12:00 PM), a dialogue on “Transdisciplinarity and Sustainability” will be organized by the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE) in collaboration with the Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity (ITD Alliance). Gabriele Bammer from the Australian National University and President, ITD Alliance and Sharachchandra Lele, Distinguished Fellow in Environmental Policy and Governance at Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and The Environment (ATREE), will be the speakers in the online event, moderated by Seema Purushothaman, President, INSEE. This dialogue is an effort by INSEE and the ITD Alliance to create platforms for deliberating knowledge pathways towards imagining and ushering in sustainable societies. For more information and speaker biographies, see:
A report on the event will be posted here when available.
A collaboration with the Indian Society for Ecological Economics (INSEE).

Toolkits & Methods: Quality & Rigour Discussion Session, 10 February 2025
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Date & Time: February 10, 2025, from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM CET. (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all, Register to receive link
Registration: Register online by January 24:
Description: In this session, the Quality and Rigour Project within the Toolkits & Methods working group invites participants to explore which quality and rigor criteria from traditional research methods can be applied to ITD methods, which may not be applicable, and which might require adaptation. Additionally, we will consider whether entirely new quality criteria are needed for ITD methods, beyond those used for traditional research methods. We will conclude with a discussion on the project’s next steps.
A report on the event will be posted here when available.
Transformative Change in ITD Research Discussion, 5 February 2025
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Date & Time: February 5, 2025, 1500h – 1630h, CET (GMT +1hr). (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all
Registration: Email Minea Mader ( to receive calendar invite and meeting link
Description: During the ITD Conference 2024 in Utrecht participants talked about the relevance of transformative change for ITD research.
Interested members would like to further these exchanges by inviting you to an informal discussion on ITD and the topic of transformative change on February 5th 2025 (15h – 16h30 GMT+1). At the end, we would like to talk about the relevance and general interest in creating an ITD Alliance working group specifically dedicated to these issues. What are you particularly interested when it comes to transformative change? What are topics you are passionate about in this thematic area? What would be your needs for this potential working group and what would you like to contribute? Who do you think would be interested in taking part? (actors from academia, policy, practice, etc.)
- 15h Welcome and ice-breaker
- 15h10 – 16h Brief input from Sierra Deutsch on transformative change, ITD, and justice, followed by discussion
- 16h – 16h30 Discuss working group creation
- 16h30 Closing
Event Report: On 5 February 2025 an online networking and exchange meeting took place to explore potential interest in forming a working group on the topic of transformative change & justice within the Global Alliance for ITD. Participants explored common interests and found that the working group would be complementary to existing working groups. While there was great interest and motivation to continue the exchange, it was decided to currently not move forward with establishing a formal working group given lack of resources at this point in time. However, interested participants are encouraged to set up their own one-time webinar/coffee break/event and use this network as a resource moving forward.
Documentation of the meeting(s) as well as a list of interested participants who could be contacted for any future events or ideas for re-activating the idea of a working group can be found here. In case of interest, please add your name in the list at the bottom of the document as well. The recordings of the two presentations given during the online meeting can be found here.
Boosting Toolkits & Methods: Official ITD-Alliance Working Group Meet & Greet, 17 January 2025
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Date & Time: January 17, 2025, from 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM CET. (convert to your time zone)
Location: Online, Open to all, Register to receive link
Registration: Register online by January 12:
Can’t attend but want to meet others? Please register anyway to receive instructions for engaging with our Miro board.
Description: The ITD-Alliance Working Group on Toolkits & Methods will start the new year of 2025 with an online Meet & Greet event for toolkit and method enthusiasts. Please join us, whether you are already a member of the WG or simply curious about the fun we’re having.
History: Since 2021 the Working Group on Toolkits & Methods gathers experts around the joint interest to advance their respective fields with toolkits that support research collaborations beyond disciplines. We adopt a pluralistic approach towards the discussion of tools and methods for projects that may be framed as cross-disciplinary, interdisciplinary, transdisciplinary, collaborative, integrative and the like. You can find information about our ongoing projects and publications here:
The group is open to everyone with experience in developing methods and tools, as well as those with a major interest in toolkit development and reflection on the use of methods & toolkits.
Event: For our Meet & Greet event on January 17, 2025, we will gather virtually—asynchronously on Miro and synchronously on Zoom for an hour. The event will include a brief, informal presentation; space to share ideas and interests from our (new, potential, or founding) members; and updates on ongoing projects. We will conclude by deciding ‘next steps to action.’
You are warmly invited to join us for this event, and we’re excited to hear about the topics and ideas you bring! We’re looking forward to meeting you!
A report on the event will be posted here when available.
Online Networking Events (2), 14 & 15 November 2024
View details and report
Date & Time: Wednesday, 14 November and Thursday, 15 November (2 meetings to cover all time zones). Sessions will be one hour.
Location: Online – Join us in the Zoom meeting room
Description: Members and those interested in joining the ITD Alliance are invited to join us to make new connections and exchange ideas in a lightly structured online conversation.
Report: Online networking events, Report by Gabriele Bammer [from 25 November 2024 News Bulletin]
The energy and enthusiasm of the face-to-face networking event in Utrecht was mirrored – at a much smaller scale – by the 4 attendees at one online event. We savoured the opportunity to get to know each other better and to explore the benefits of small events, discussing how we might continue such opportunities in future. We also explored how we could promote intersections with like-minded communities, especially organising joint events. We realised that the ITD Alliance news bulletin is a vehicle through which individuals or small groups can organise opportunities to connect with like-minded others, and that this can be one-off or occasional, rather than as an on-going commitment. We also discussed the needs of practitioners and how the ITD Alliance can expand its activities to also provide a supportive home for them.
Face-to-face Networking at ITD24, 8 November 2024
View details and report
Date & Time: Friday, 8 November, 9am – 1:30pm (Utrecht, The Netherlands time)
Location: At the ITD24 conference in Utrecht, The Netherlands, Het Vriendenplein meeting room
Description: Members and those interested in joining the ITD Alliance are invited to make new connections and exchange ideas in a semi-structured morning of fun and thought-provoking networking activities.
Report: ITD24 Networking and Member Exchange Session, Report by session facilitators, Helena Guimarães and Theres Paulsen [from 25 November 2024 News Bulletin]
This session provided a forum for members and other attendees to discuss ideas and activities, with a focus on how the ITD Alliance, as an alliance of mostly volunteers, could provide a vehicle for members in undertaking activities they are passionate about. Attendance was estimated at 40-50. In the first half of the session, participants formed pairs or small groups with people they did not know to meet and share ideas. Ideas for new working groups were proposed covering transformative justice (examining change and power balance) and encouraging organizational change within institutions to support ITD. Other ideas discussed included practitioner engagement, developing local networks, advice on access to funding, learning from other alliances, ideas for education and curriculum development, building a repository of case studies, and institutionalising ITD.
The second part of the session focused on the three established working groups – Early Career Researchers, Toolkits and Methods, Integration Experts and Expertise – as well as providing opportunities to meet for those interested in the newly proposed working groups and an already-planned working group on education and training. Participants were also encouraged to submit any new ideas via the ITD Alliance Ideas Board on the website.
Overall, the session was full of positive energy. We look forward to seeing how the ideas proposed at the networking meeting develop!
Contact Us
If you have questions ITD Alliance Member Events, or would like to propose an event, please contact us at: or use our Contact Form.