TransImpact Toolbox
A collection of tools and methods targeted to improve societal impact of transdisciplinary research through systematic process design around 4 central topics: problem framing, participation, knowledge integration, transferability.
Why was it developed?
The research project TransImpact aimed at providing recommendations for a systematic approach to shaping TDR processes and certain practices or methods to foster societal (and scientific) effects during the whole research process.
Who is it for?
The knowledge base and recommendations for action are mainly addressing TD researchers (project leaders, coordinators) who want to improve social impact through the systematic design of their projects, but also researchers who want to reflect and understand how TDR (theoretically and practically) works.
What is in it?
The materials offer theoretical knowledge and about 50 linked methods for systematically strengthening social effectiveness. It focuses on the targeted use of methods in TDR processes as well as research results and formulates recommendations for designing future TDR projects. A limited overview of the relevant literature is also available (as of 2019), but this is not the main focus of the toolbox.
What features does it have?
The materials are structured around 4 central topics of TDR processes: problem framing, participation, knowledge integration, transferability. For each topic, the findings are presented in the same structure: theoretical background and recommendations for action. The methods are compiled in a separate document, each with assignment to at least one recommendation.
What do I need to use it?
Not suitable for absolute beginners.
How can I interact with it?
Topics or questions regarding the materials can be brought up in the tdCommunity section of the tdAcademy website by e.g. fixing a dialogue session.
No direct interaction possible.
What are the administrative details?
The materials are a result of the empirical research project TransImpact (2015-2019). They continue to be accessible at the website of the follow-up project tdAcademy as PDF documents in English and German.