On Monday June 20, 2022, the ITD Alliance Event will take place at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022, online and on-site in Pretoria, South Africa.
Programme Overview:
Session 1, 11:00 – 12:30 CEST, online: ITD Alliance Information and Exchange Event
Session 2, 13:30 – 15:00 CEST, online: African Perspectives in Inter- and Transdisciplinarity
Session 3, 17:00-18:30 CEST, hybrid (online and onsite): ITD Alliance Information and Exchange Event
Online participation in the ITD Alliance events will be free for ITD Alliance members and for registered SRI congress participants. For ITD Alliance members: Please register at the SRI 2022 congress platform https://sri2022.configio.com/, choose ‘Free Limited Signup’ and create an account. You are then able to join the ITD Alliance event sessions and open access sessions of the congress through the programme page https://sricongress.org/2022-program/
Session 1 and 3 (11:00 AM – 12:30 PM CEST, online, and 17:00-18:30 CEST, in-person / hybrid):
ITD Alliance Information and Exchange Event
The manyfold complex problems we are facing require collaborative modes of research across disciplines and sectors to jointly envision and enable pathways towards more sustainable futures.
The Global Alliance for Inter- and Transdisciplinarity ITD Alliance therefore strengthens and promotes the global capacity and the calibre of collaborative modes of boundary-crossing research and practice.
The ITD Alliance aims at:
- addressing complex problems and societal needs
- connecting actors and scales to advance collaborative modes of research and education
- increasing visibility and coalescing work currently dispersed across continents
- building capacity for inter- and transdisciplinary research and education
In this ITD Alliance information and exchange event you will have the opportunity to:
- get informed what the ITD Alliance is about
- see how you can engage with the ITD Alliance and become individual or institutional member
- get in contact with Leadership Board members, Working Group representatives and the Executive Secretary
- be informed about the main topics and questions the ITD Alliance Working Groups are addressing
The ITD Alliance information and Exchange event takes place twice: first online (timeslot for Asia, Oceania, Africa, Europe), and later on in-person in Pretoria / hybrid (timeslot for Africa, the Americas and Europe)
Session 2 (13:30 – 15:00 CEST, online):
African Perspectives in Inter- and Transdisciplinarity
Why is transdisciplinary research important for the advancement of African countries?
What are the key issues that need to be taken into account in fostering such research?
What can we learn from transdisciplinarity in Africa?
How can Higher Education Institutions in Africa promote transdisciplinarity?
These are starting questions for a panel discussion of African experts in Inter- and Transdisciplinarity.
Session Chair:
Dr Basirat Oyalowo, Member of the ITD Alliance Leadership Board, Centre for Housing and Sustainable Development, University of Lagos, Nigeria
Professor Felix Maringe: Professor of Higher Education at the Wits School of Education. Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Educational Studies, University of Venda.
apl. Prof. Dr. Ulli Vilsmaier: Member of the ITD Alliance Leadership Board, Convener Responsive Research Collective and University of Leuphana (TBC)
Dr Peter Elias: Senior Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Lagos. Principal Investigator, City-Level Data-Gathering towards Achieving SDG 11 in Africa (SCiLeD)’ with focus on Lagos and Accra in the Leading Integrated Research in Africa (LIRA 2030).
Prof Oliver Mtapuri: Associate Professor, Development Studies, School of Built Environment and Development, University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
This session is part of the ITD Alliance event @ SRI 2022
We also highly recommend to attend our hosting event, the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022 from June 20-24, 2022, online, hybrid, and on-site in Pretoria, South Africa.
The Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress is a series of gatherings that unite global research leaders, experts, industries and innovators to inspire action and promote a sustainability transformation.
A joint initiative of Future Earth (an ITD Alliance Founding Member) and the Belmont Forum, the SRI Congress is a space of dedicated advocacy for sustainability scholarship and innovation, transdisciplinary and cross-sectoral collaboration and action.
Hosted by the Future Africa Institute at the University of Pretoria, SRI2022 will build on the success of the first SRI Congress which took place in June 2021 and featured 700 speakers and 2,000 participants from 100 countries.
An important objective of SRI2022 is to amplify the voice of sustainability science and innovation in the Global South, specifically for the African continent, through raising awareness and propelling discussions about sustainable priorities for Africa.
Africa has much to offer to the global discussion on sustainability, and SRI2022, together with its host Future Africa, will provide a critical platform for collaboration with local, African and international partners.
South Africa will offer an inspiring environment for this second edition of the SRI Congress. A leader on the African continent and around the globe for sustainability science and innovation as well as participatory approaches to action research, it also provides a gateway to the wider African continent.
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022 website link