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45th Annual Conference of the Association for Interdisciplinary Studies

The ITD Alliance founding member Association for Interdisciplinary Studies (AIS) is gearing up for its 45th Annual Conference, which will be held between October 26 and October 28, 2023 in Lubbock, Texas. The theme of the conference will be Transformative Shifts: Integration, Wholeness, and Wellness.

The entire world has experienced many adversities in recent years, such as the pandemic, changes in political landscapes, wars, issues surrounding immigration, among others. These adversities have also uncovered a greater need to respond in transformative ways within communities, higher education spaces, workplaces, families, and relevant relationships. The committee is inviting participants to explore integration, wholeness, and wellness in the context of religion and spirituality, mental health, social justice, socio-cultural, immigration, higher education, and related spheres, and to express the need and strategies for inter- and trans- disciplinary research and complex problem-solving. We are interested in the scholarship and application of inter-/trans-disciplinarity as it relates to complex and wicked problems within the identified subthemes.

You can submit your proposals until May 30, 2023

Conference website:

One of the benefits of being a member of ITD Alliance is the opportunity to attend the conference at a reduced rate. The coupon code to access the discount is available in our member area and will be part of the next member mail.